Language: German
30.10.1992 (Friday)
Sonderstab Jugoslawien. Protokoll der Sitzung vom 29. Oktober 1992
Memo (No)
Der Sonderstab erörtert den Stand der Jugoslawienkonferenz London/Genf, die Durchführung der UNO-Sanktionen, die Aktivitäten der UNPROFOR und Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Errichtung eines Kriegsverbrechertribunals. Auch die Tätigkeit von KSZE und Europarat sowie die humanitäre Hilfe und die Flüchtlingspolitik der Schweiz werden diskutiert.

Darin: Teilnehmerliste (Beilage).
Darin: Sprachregelung über die Behandlung von Restjugoslawien vom 3.11.1992 (Beilage).
File reference: p.B.73.Youg.0
How to cite: Copy

5 repositories



Yugoslav Wars (1991–2001)

Humanitarian aid Questions concerning the Recognition of States Geneva Conference on the Former Yugoslavia (26.8.1992–30.1.1996) UN Sanctions against the Federal Republic of Jugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) (1992) Refugees from former Yugoslavia Military observer missions (1990–)


Amberg, Lorenzo (1953–)Antonietti, Markus (1958–)Apelbaum-Pidoux, Ingrid (1948–)Arregger, OttoBabey, DominiqueBrogini, Paolo (1941–)Bucher, Urs (1962–)Bühler, ToniFankhauser, Rudolf (1948–)Gamma, SergeGrossen, DieterHeld, Charles-Edouard (1949–)Höchner, Kurt (1947–)Hoffmann, Hansrudolf (1939–)Koller, Arnold (1933–)Kunz, Raimund (1948–)Meier, Christoph (1955–)Meier, Felix (1953–)Meuwly, Christian (1958–)Mosimann, DieterNobs, Beat (1954–)Owen, David (1938–)Petter, Dominique (1959–)Renggli, F.Riccard, Jean-François (1944–)Ritz, Armin (1945–)Schad, Hans-RudolfSchnider, JürgScholer, ChristianSiegenthaler, UrbanStrupler, Pascal (1959–)Thalmann, Anton (1948–)Trinkler, Edwin (1935–)Woker, Daniel (1948–)Wyss, Othmar (1944–)Zimmermann, Peter


Conference on the former YugoslaviaCouncil of EuropeCouncil of Europe/Committee of MinistersCouncil of Europe/Development BankFDEA/Federal Office of Foreign Economic AffairsFDFA/Directorate of International OrganizationsFDFA/State Secretariat/Directorate of Political Affairs/Political Division IFDFA/State Secretariat/Directorate of Public International LawFDFA/Swiss Agency for Development and CooperationFDHA/Federal Office of Social InsuranceFDJP/Federal Office for RefugeesFDJP/Federal Office of Immigration, Integration and EmigrationFederal Department for Foreign AffairsFederal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and SportFederal Department of Justice and PoliceFederal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy, and CommunicationsOrganization for Security and Co-operation in EuropeOSCE/Sanction Assistance MissionSwiss Disaster Relief UnitSwiss Federal CouncilUN/General AssemblyUN/International Criminal Tribunal for the former YugoslaviaUN/Office of the High Commissioner for RefugeesUN/Security Council/Sanctions Committee YugoslaviaUNOUNO/Security CouncilUNO/UNPROFORYugoslavia Special Staff

Geographical terms