Language: German
24.4.1992 (Friday)
Offizieller Arbeitsbesuch des Generalsekretärs der Vereinten Nationen, Herrn B. Boutros-Ghali, in Bern, vom 13.4.1992
Report (CR) • confidential
Die Arbeitssitzung mit dem UNO-Generalsekretär Boutros-Ghali dreht sich um das Peacekeeping im Allgemeinen und insbesondere in Jugoslawien und der Westsahara, um die Entwicklung des UNO-Sitzes Genf, die Libyen-Sanktionen und die Palästinafrage, die Finanzkrise der Vereinten Nationen sowie die Beziehungen der Schweiz zur Weltorganisation.

Darin: Notiz von F. Nordmann vom 24.4.1992 (Beilage).
File references: o.715.4(1)061.4
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Sacha Zala et al. (ed.)

Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland, vol. 1992, doc. 16

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Bern 2023

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Cover of DDS, 1992

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UNO – General

Actions for peacekeeping Humanitarian aid UN (Specialized Agencies) Western Sahara Palestine (General) Libya (General) Near and Middle East Geneva's international role Yugoslav Wars (1991–2001) United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro (1992)


Abdel-Meguid, Ahmed Asmat (1923–2013)Aimé, Jean-Claude (1935–)al-Bishari, IbrahimBadinter, Robert (1928–2024)Blanca, Antoine (1936–2016)Blanchard, Francis (1916–2009)Blankart, Franz (1936–2021)Boutros-Ghali, Boutros (1922–2016)Brunner, Edouard (1932–2007)Buttenheim, Lisa (1954–)Carrington, Peter Alexander Rupert (1919–2018)Dunkel, Arthur (1932–2005)Felber, René (1933–2020)Godet, Blaise (1947–)Häsler, Heinz (1930–)Hinteregger, Gerald (1928–2013)Kellenberger, Jakob (1944–)Khan, Sahabzada Yaqub (1920–2016)Koller, Arnold (1933–)Kraege, CarolineManz, Johannes (1938–)Martin, Georges (1952–)McCarthy, AlanMehu, PierreMeuwly, Christian (1958–)Mitterrand, François (1916–1996)Muntaṣir, Umar Muṣṭafā al- (1939–2001)Nordmann, François (1942–)Sarhadi, Zeynal Abedin (1966–)Staehelin, Fritz (1928–)Trudeau, Pierre Elliott (1919–2000)Vance, Cyrus Roberts (1917–2002)Virendra, Dayal (1935–)


Arab LeagueCommonwealth of Independent StatesEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentEuropean UnionFDFA/Directorate of International OrganizationsFDFA/General Secretariat/InformationFDFA/State Secretariat/Directorate of Public International LawFDFA/Swiss Agency for Development and CooperationFederal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and SportFMD/General StaffGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and TradeInternational Monetary FundInternational Trade CenterOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOrganisation for the Prohibition of Chemical WeaponsOrganization for Security and Co-operation in EuropeOrganization of African UnityPolisario FrontSpiez LaboratorySwiss Embassy in TripoliSwiss Federal CouncilSwiss Medical UnitSwissairUN/Administrative Committee on Co-ordinationUN/Blue HelmetsUN/Conference on Trade and DevelopmentUN/Development ProgramUN/Economic and Social Commission for Western AsiaUN/Economic and Social CouncilUN/Economic Commission for Europe [1947-UN/Environment ProgrammeUN/ILO/International Labour OfficeUN/Office in GenevaUN/UNCED/SecretariatUN/United Nations Conference on Environment and DevelopmentUN/United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western SaharaUnion of the Arab MaghrebUNOUNO/International Court of JusticeUNO/Secretariat

Geographical terms
