Language: German
19.8.1992 (Wednesday)
Nr. 1362. Jugoslawienkonflikt: allgemeine Lage und schweizerische Interessen
Minutes of the Federal Council (PVCF)
Angesichts der drohenden Eskalation der kriegerischen Auseinandersetzung, nimmt die Schweiz an der Jugoslawienkonferenz in London teil. Es sollen politische Lösungen für alle Aspekte des Jugoslawienkonflikts ausgearbeitet werden. Die Schweiz ist gerade wegen der hohen Anzahl Jugoslawen im Inland besonders betroffen und will mit materiellen und diplomatischen Beiträgen helfen.

Darin: Aussprachepapier des EDA vom 18.8.1992 (Beilage).
Darin: Notiz der Direktion für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und humanitäre Hilfe vom 12.8.1992 (Beilage).
Darin: Notiz der Direktion für internationale Organisationen vom 13.8.1992 (Beilage).
Darin: Mitbericht des EMD vom 18.8.1992 (Beilage).
File reference: 983.2-008
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Relations to other documents refers to


Geneva Conference on the Former Yugoslavia (26.8.1992–30.1.1996)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (General) Serbia (General) Military observer missions (1990–) Yugoslav Wars (1991–2001)



UstaschiFDEA/Federal Office for Industry, Trade and LabourFDEA/Federal Office of Foreign Economic AffairsFDETEC/Federal Office of Civil AviationFDFA/Directorate of International OrganizationsFDFA/State Secretariat/Directorate of Political Affairs/Political Division IFDFA/State Secretariat/SDC/Humanitarian Aid Division and Swiss Disaster Relief UnitFDFA/Swiss Agency for Development and CooperationFDJP/Federal Office for RefugeesFDJP/Federal Office of Immigration, Integration and EmigrationFDJP/FOP/Federal PoliceFederal Department for Foreign AffairsFederal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and SportFederal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and ResearchFederal Department of Justice and PoliceFederal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy, and CommunicationsFMD/Central Office of DefenceFMD/General StaffFMD/General Staff/Chief War CommissariatFMD/General Staff/Staff of the General Staff/Peace Policy DivisionG-24 (Eastern Europe)International Committee of the Red CrossNATOOrganization for Security and Co-operation in EuropeOSCE/Senior CouncilSerbia/ArmySwiss ArmySwiss Disaster Relief UnitSwiss Federal CouncilSwiss Protestant AidSwiss Red CrossSwiss Society CaritasUN/Blue HelmetsUN/Division of Human RightsUN/International Organisation for MigrationUN/Office of the High Commissioner for RefugeesUN/United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western SaharaUNOUNO/Security CouncilUNO/UNPROFOR

Geographical terms