Language: German
31.1.1993 (Sunday)
Nationale und grenzüberschreitende Probleme im Bereich der Inneren Sicherheit. Diskussionspapier zuhanden des Schweizerischen Bundesrates vorgelegt durch die Expertenkommission «Grenzpolizeiliche Personenkontrollen» (EGPK)
Report (R)
Die EGPK zeigt die Probleme, Auswirkungen und notwendigen Massnahmen im Bereich der inneren Sicherheit für verschiedene integrationspolitische Szenarien auf.

Darin: Bericht 1. Innere Sicherheit (Beilage).
Darin: Bericht 2. Die europäischen Integrationsmodelle (Beilage).
Darin: Bericht 3. Ziele im Bereich der inneren Sicherheit (Beilage).
Darin: Übermittlungsnotiz von Bundesrat Koller vom 18.5.1993 (Beilage).
File references: B.41.20.1B.11.20515.93
How to cite: Copy

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Relations to other documents is the summary of


Security policy Migration

European Union (EEC–EC–EU) Policy of asylum Crime Swiss policy towards foreigners Schengen and Dublin Agreement (1990–)



BENELUXCantons/Conference of Cantonal Directors of Justice and PoliceCantons/Conference of Cantonal Police Commanders of SwitzerlandCantons/Heads of Cantonal Aliens PoliceConference of City Security DirectorsContact point Confederation – CantonsCouncil of EuropeCouncil of StatesEconomic and Monetary UnionEU/European CouncilEU/EuropolEuropean Civil Aviation ConferenceEuropean Convention on Human RightsEuropean Drug UnitEuropean Economic AreaEuropean Free Trade AssociationEuropean UnionExpert Commission «Border Police Control of Persons»FDEA/Federal Office for Industry, Trade and LabourFDEA/Federal Office of Foreign Economic AffairsFDETEC/Federal Office of Civil AviationFDETEC/Federal Office of TransportFDF/Federal Customs AdministrationFDF/Federal Customs Administration/Border Guard DivisionFDFA/Directorate of International OrganizationsFDFA/General Secretariat/ResourcesFDFA/State Secretariat/Directorate of Political AffairsFDFA/State Secretariat/Directorate of Political Affairs/Political Division IV/Humanitarian and International Refugee Policy SectionFDFA/State Secretariat/Directorate of Public International LawFDFA/Swiss Agency for Development and CooperationFDHA/Federal Office for the EnvironmentFDHA/Federal Office of Public HealthFDJP/Federal Office for Civil ProtectionFDJP/Federal Office for RefugeesFDJP/Federal Office of Immigration, Integration and EmigrationFDJP/Federal Office of JusticeFDJP/Federal Office of PoliceFDJP/General SecretariatFDJP/Office of the Attorney General of SwitzerlandFederal Chancellery

Geographical terms