Language: German
29.6.1992 (Monday)
Arbeitstreffen der Teilnehmerstaaten der informellen Konsultationen über Sri Lanka, Genf, 23.6.1992
Memo (No)
Unter dem Vorsitz der Schweiz haben sich verschiedene Staaten in Genf getroffen, um die gegenwärtige Lage in Sri Lanka und die Entwicklungen betreffend tamilischer Asylbewerber zu besprechen. Schwerpunkt des Treffens waren die Ausführungen des UNHCR zur Repatriierungsproblematik.
File references: B.41.21.S.L.0B.41.21.09o.220.80
How to cite: Copy

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Policy of asylum



Delegation of Switzerland to the OECDFDEA/Federal Office for Industry, Trade and LabourFDEA/Federal Office of Foreign Economic AffairsFDFA/Directorate of International OrganizationsFDFA/General SecretariatFDFA/State Secretariat/Directorate of Public International LawFDFA/State Secretariat/SDC/Humanitarian Aid Division and Swiss Disaster Relief UnitFDFA/Swiss Agency for Development and CooperationFDJP/Federal Office for RefugeesFDJP/Federal Office of Immigration, Integration and EmigrationFDJP/General SecretariatPermanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN and to the other international organisations in GenevaSwiss Embassy in BerlinSwiss Embassy in BrusselsSwiss Embassy in CanberraSwiss Embassy in ColomboSwiss Embassy in CopenhagenSwiss Embassy in LondonSwiss Embassy in New DelhiSwiss Embassy in OsloSwiss Embassy in OttawaSwiss Embassy in ParisSwiss Embassy in RomeSwiss Embassy in The HagueSwiss embassy in ViennaSwiss Embassy in Washington

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