Language: French
19.3.1970 (Thursday)
Interpellation Chevallaz. Katastrophe von Würenlingen - Catastrophe de Würenlingen
Minutes (PV)
En lien avec le crash de Würenlingen et ses répercussions sur les relations entre la Suisse et les pays arabes, les mesures destinées à empêcher que de nouveaux actes terroristes puissent avoir lieu sur le territoire suisse sont présentées.
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Printed in

Sacha Zala et al. (ed.)

Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland, vol. 25, doc. 12

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Zürich/Locarno/Genève 2014

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Cover of DDS, 25

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Near and Middle East Parliament Würenlingen attack 1970


Abu al-Heiga, Mohamed (1945–)Arafat, Yassir (1929–2004)Baechtold, Gilbert (1921–1996)Baumann, Claude (1932–2009)Belon, ChristianBinaghi, Walter (1919–2006)Binder, Julius (1925–)Carruzzo, Félix (1925–2011)Chevallaz, Georges-André (1915–2002)Conzett, Hans (1915–1996)Dahbor, Amena (1947–)Degen, Walter (1904–1981)Eggenberger, Mathias (1905–1975)El Mehsen, Hassan Abed (1937–1969)Freymond, Pierre (1921–1971)Graber, Pierre (1908–2003)Guldimann, Werner (1916–2003)Habash, George (1926–2008)Heil, Anton (1920–1976)Hofer, Walther (1920–2013)Jarring, Gunnar (1907–2002)Lehner, Innozenz (1917–2000)Leu, Franz Xaver (1904–1984)Leu, Joseph (1918–1997)Malik, Yakov Alexandrovich (1906–1980)Meyer, Hans Rudolf (1922–2005)Münch, AlbertRachamim, Mordechai (1946–)Renschler, Walter (1932–2006)Schaller, Alfred (1908–1985)Tieleman Twigt, Bernardus (1912–1993)Tschudi, Hans Peter (1913–2002)U Thant, Sithu (1909–1974)Vontobel, William (1909–1973)Weber, Max (1897–1974)Wenger, Otto M. (1910–1999)Yost, Charles Woodruff (1907–1981)Youssef, Ibrahim Tawfik (1935–)


AeropersAlgerien/RegierungAustria/GovernmentAustrian AirlinesCouncil of StatesEidgenössische FlugunfallkommissionEl Al Israel Airlines Ltd.European Civil Aviation ConferenceFDETEC/Federal Office of Civil AviationFDF/Federal Customs AdministrationFDJP/Federal Office of Immigration, Integration and EmigrationFDJP/Office of the Attorney General of SwitzerlandFederal AssemblyFederal Department for Foreign AffairsFederal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and SportFederal Department of Justice and PoliceFrankreich/Delegation bei der UNO in New YorkGermany/PoliceInternational Air Transport AssociationInternational Civil Aviation OrganizationInternational Federation of Air Line Pilots' AssociationsInternational Transport Workers' FederationMorocco/GovernmentNational CouncilNational Council/Foreign Policy CommitteePalestine/Palestine Liberation OrganizationPalestine/Popular Front for the LiberationRussia/Permanent Mission to the UN in New YorkSwiss Embassy in AlgiersSwiss Embassy in RabatSwiss Embassy in TunisSwiss Federal CouncilSwiss Federal Institute for Reactor ResearchSwissairTunesien/RegierungUK/Permanent Representation to the UN in ViennaUNOUNO/Security CouncilUSA/Ständige Delegation bei der UNO in New YorkUVEK/Generalsekretariat/Büro für Flugunfalluntersuchungen

Geographical terms