Language: Multiple languages
30.1.1992 (Thursday)
Verhandlungsprotokoll der 3. Sitzung des Bundesrates vom 27.1.1992
Minutes of negotiations of the Federal Council (PVCF-D) • confidential
Le Conseil fédéral discute des grands thèmes qu'il devra affronter durant l'année et notamment de la stratégie d'information pour l'EEE, du référendum sur la NLFA, de la délégation suisse à envoyer pour la CNUCED et du 7ème rapport sur l'agriculture. La question de la nomination de J. Kellenberger comme Secrétaire d'État est également discutée.
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Vote on European Economic Area (EEA) (1992)

New Railway Link through the Alps (NRLA) (1961–) United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro (1992)



European Economic AreaFDF/Federal Alcohol BoardFDF/Federal Personnel OfficeFDFA/Swiss Agency for Development and CooperationFDJP/Federal Office for RefugeesFederal AssemblyFederal Assembly/Finance DelegationFederal ChancelleryFederal Chancellery/Information Service and Central Editorial and Translation Service/Information ServiceFederal Department for Foreign AffairsFederal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and SportFederal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and ResearchFederal Department of FinanceFederal Department of Home AffairsFederal Department of Justice and PoliceFederal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy, and CommunicationsIntegration Office FDFA-FDEANational Council/Control CommitteeSwiss ArmySwiss Federal CouncilUN/Conference on Trade and Development

Geographical terms
