Language: Multiple languages
5.6.1989 (Monday)
Information hebdomadaire 23/89
Weekly telex (TH) • confidential
Information hebdomadaire 23/89 Index:
1) Conférence ministérielle de l'OCDE, Paris, 31.5.1989–1.6.1989
2) Evaluation du 3ème Sommet de la Francophonie
3) 25ème Assemblée annuelle du Conseil des Gouverneurs de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) et 16ème Assamblée annuelle du Fonds africain de développement (FAD), Abuja, 29.5.1989–31.5.1989
4) 15. Tagung des PNUE-Verwaltungsrates, Nairobi, 15.5.1989–26.5.1989
5) Conférence des plénipotentiaires de l'Union internationale des télécommunications, Nice, 23.5.1989–29.5.1989

Directives politiques hebdomadaires 18/89
1) Evénements en Chine
2) Conférence ministérielle de l'OCDE, Paris, 31.5.1989–1.6.1989
3) Sondersitzung der Zehnergruppe, Bern, 2.6.1989
4) KSZE: Erstes Treffen der Konferenz über Menschliche Dimension, Paris, 30.5.1989–23.6.1989
5) Auslieferungsfall Kashoggi
File references: A.
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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEEC–OECD)

China (General) Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Telecommunication Regional development banks Saudi Arabia (Others) UN (Specialized Agencies) United States of America (USA) (Others) Francophonie Tiananmen (1989)



African Development BankAfrican Development Bank/Board of GovernorsAfrican Development FundBank for International SettlementsChina/People's Liberation ArmyEU/European CommissionEuropean UnionFDJP/Federal Office of PoliceFederal Department of FinanceFederal Supreme Court of SwitzerlandFrance/ParliamentG10General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeIntergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeInternational Monetary FundInternational Organisation of the FrancophonieOECD/CouncilOECD/SecretariatOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOrganization for Security and Co-operation in EuropeSaudi Arabia/Embassy in BernSNB/General DirectionSwiss Federal CouncilSwiss National BankUN/Economic and Social CouncilUN/Environment ProgrammeUN/General AssemblyUN/International Telecommunication UnionUN/UNEP/Administrative BoardUN/United Nations Conference on Environment and DevelopmentUN/World Meteorological OrganisationUNO/Gruppe der NeunUSA/Department of JusticeWorld Bank Group

Geographical terms