Informations about subject

Uzbekistan (General)
Usbekistan (Allgemein)
Ouzbékistan (Général)
Uzbekistan (Generale)


1. Political issues

2. Bilateral relations

Boer War

Gold trade with South Africa

2.009 Asia

Anschluss of Austria (1938)

Tiananmen (1989)

Spanish Civil War (1936–1939)

Spanish Republic (1937–1938)

Spanish State (1937–1939)

American Civil War (1861–1865)

Vichy France

Free France

Gulf Crisis (1990–1991)

Iran hostage crisis (1979–1981)

Assassination of Kazem Radjavi (1990)

Sarhadi Affair (1991–1992)

Arrest of Hans Bühler (1992–1993)

Iranian Revolution (1978–1979)

Second Italian War of Independence (1859)

Kingdom of Sardinia

Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

Lebanon Conference (1983–1984)

January Uprising (1863–1864)

Middle East Peace Process (1991–1995)

Romanian Revolution (1989)

Prague Spring (1968)

Russian Revolution (1917)

Resumption of diplomatic Relations with the USSR (1946)

Yugoslav Wars (1991–2001)

Geneva Conference on the Former Yugoslavia (26.8.1992–30.1.1996)

Rwandan genocide

Representation of the PLO in Switzerland (1975–)

Charles I Affair (1921–1922)

2.187 Sahel

Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945)

Ukrainian People's Republic (1917–1922)

War in Abkhazia (1992–1993)

Slovak Republic (1939-1945)

2.202 Uzbekistan (General)

Tajikistani Civil War (1992–1997)

Kingdom of Serbia (1882–1918)

2.211 Yemen

3. Multilateral relations

4. Actors and Institutions

5. Economic relations

6. Migration

7. Cooperation and development

8. Security policy

9. Societal issues

Further information:

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Assigned documents (main subject) (11 records found)
21.12.199364561pdfMemoUzbekistan (General) DEH-Direktor Fust sagt gegenüber einer usbekischen Delegation die Teilnahme im internationalen «Meeting on Urgent Human Needs» in Taschkent zu und stellt einen substantiellen Beitrag an dieses...
Assigned documents (secondary subject) (31 records found)
8.12.199364511pdfMemoEnhanced cooperation with Central and Eastern Europe (1989–)
Im Fall der autoritär regierten zentralasiatischen Republiken ist fraglich, ob diese Staaten die Bedingungen zur Gewährung von Kreditgarantien erfüllen können. Im Zweifelsfall soll das umfassende...