Language: German
20.3.1991 (Wednesday)
Aufgaben und Prioritäten 1991
Memo (No)
Übersicht über die Ergebnisse von 1990 und die wichtigsten Aufgaben, welche der Entwicklungsdienst des BAWI 1991 zu bewältigen hat. Dies betrifft verschiedene Bereiche der wirtschafts- und handelspolitischen Massnahmen, der multilateralen Zusammenarbeit, der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und der Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Bundesstellen.
File reference: 101
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Cooperation and development

Mixed credits Economic and commercial measures [since 1990] Balance-of-payments assistance [since 1990] Measures for debt relief Energy and raw materials Trade promotion [since 1990] Regional development banks Bretton Wood's Institutions UN (Specialized Agencies)



Africa Project Development FacilityAfrican Development BankAfrican Management Services CompanyAsian Development BankCouncil of States/Foreign Policy CommitteeEuropean UnionFDFA/Swiss Agency for Development and CooperationFederal AssemblyFederal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and ResearchGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and TradeGlobal Environment FacilityInter-American Development BankInternational Cocoa OrganizationInternational Monetary FundInternational Trade CenterNZZOECD/Development Assistance CommitteeScienceindustriesStrategic Partnership with AfricaSwiss Federal CouncilSwiss Machinery Manufacturers' AssociationTechnology for the PeopleUN/Conference on Trade and DevelopmentUN/Development ProgramUN/United Nations Conference on Environment and DevelopmentUNOUNO/Industrial Development OrganizationVereinigung des schweizerischen Import- und GrosshandelsWBG/International Finance CorporationWBG/Multilateral Investment Guarantee AgencyWBG/WB/International Development AssociationWorld Bank Group

Geographical terms