Language: German
29.10.1980 (Wednesday)
Bericht über die Orientierung zum Integrationsbüro EDA/EVD vom 29.10.1980 in Bern
Report (R)
Die Diskussion des Berichts der GPK-S über das Integrationsbüro ermöglicht es einige grundsätzliche Fragen der Verwaltungsorganisation im Bereich der europäischen Integration zu thematisieren. Die Schaffung des Integrationsbüros kann insgesamt als Erfolg und als Paradebeispiel interdepartementaler Koordination bezeichnet werden.
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Organizational issues of the FPD/FDFA

European Union (EEC–EC–EU) Organizational issues of others Departments Questions regarding appointing in the FPD/FDFA



Basel/Chamber of CommerceCouncil of EuropeCourt of Justice of the European UnionEU/European CommissionEU/European CouncilEU/European ParliamentEuropean Cooperation in Science and TechnologyEuropean Free Trade AssociationEuropean UnionF. Hoffmann-La RocheFDEA/Federal Office of Foreign Economic AffairsFDFA/State Secretariat/Directorate of Political AffairsFDFA/State Secretariat/Directorate of Political Affairs/Political Division IFederal AssemblyFederal Department for Foreign AffairsFederal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and ResearchFederal Department of Home AffairsFederal Department of Justice and PoliceGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and TradeIntegration Office FDFA-FDEAJoint Committee EFTA–YugoslaviaMission of Switzerland to the European UnionPermanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN and to the other international organisations in GenevaSwiss Federal CouncilUN/Conference on Trade and DevelopmentUN/Economic and Social CouncilUN/Economic Commission for Europe [1947-UNO

Geographical terms