Language: Multiple languages
31.10.1988 (Monday)
Wochentelex 43/88
Weekly telex (TH)
Information hebdomadaire 43/88
- Visite officielle du Président du Gouvernement espagnol, Felipe Gonzalez Marquez, les 19–20.10.1988
- Besuch von Dr. Volkmar Köhler, Parlementarischer Staatssekretär des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, beim Direktor für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und humanitäre Hilfe, Botschafter Staehelin, Bern, 28.10.1988
- Mission de l'Ambassadeur Girard en Argentine et au Chili, 24–28.10.1988
File reference: A.
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2 repositories



Spain (General)

Federal Republic of Germany (Others) Argentina (Economy) Cooperation and development Chile (Economy)



Argentina/Argentine Industrial UnionArgentina/Industrial BankArgentina/Ministry of EconomyArgentina/National BankArgentina/Rural SocietyArgentinien/AussenministeriumChile/Federation of Chilean IndustryChile/International Fair of SantiagoChile/National BankEC/Committee of Governors of Central BanksEuropean Central BankEuropean Free Trade AssociationEuropean Monetary SystemEuropean UnionExport Risk Guarantee AgencyFDFA/Swiss Agency for Development and CooperationFederal Department of FinanceGATTGermany/German Investment CorporationInter-American Development BankInternational Monetary FundLatin American Economic Research CorporationOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOrganization for Security and Co-operation in EuropeSpain/Ministry of EnvironmentSulzerSwiss Federal CouncilSwiss Watch FederationSwissairUNOWorld Bank Group

Geographical terms