Language: German
29.11.1993 (Monday)
Nr. 2210. Internationale Konferenz über Bevölkerung und Entwicklung, Kairo 1994, Länderbericht der Schweiz
Minutes of the Federal Council (PVCF)
Die UNO hat nach den Bevölkerungskonferenzen von 1974 (Bukarest) und 1984 (Mexiko) eine dritte Weltbevölkerungskonferenz einberufen, die 1994 in Kairo stattfinden wird. Der Länderbericht der Schweiz zuhanden der Konferenz wird gutgeheissen.

Darin: Antrag des EDI und des EDA vom 15. November 1993 (Beilage).
Darin: Länderbericht der Schweiz (Beilage).
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UNO – General

Societal issues Cooperation and development



European Free Trade AssociationEuropean UnionFDEA/Federal Housing OfficeFDEA/Federal Office for Economic AffairsFDEA/Federal Office for Industry, Trade and LabourFDEA/Federal Office of Foreign Economic AffairsFDHA/Federal Statistical OfficeFDJP/Federal Office for RefugeesFDJP/Federal Office for Spatial PlanningFDJP/Federal Office of Immigration, Integration and EmigrationFDJP/Federal Office of JusticeFederal ChancelleryFederal Commission on MigrationFederal Department for Foreign AffairsFederal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and ResearchFederal Department of Home AffairsFederal Department of Justice and PoliceFoundation for Health Promotion SwitzerlandInternational Planned Parenthood FederationOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOrganization for Security and Co-operation in EuropeUN/Economic and Social CouncilUN/Economic Commission for Europe [1947-UN/International Conference on Population and DevelopmentUN/International Conference on Population and Development/Preparatory CommitteeUN/United Nations Conference on Environment and DevelopmentUnited Nations Fund for Population ActivitiesUNOUNO/World Health Organization

Geographical terms