Language: German
1.10.1965 (Friday)
Verhandlungsprotokoll der 67. Sitzung des Bundesrates
Minutes of negotiations of the Federal Council (PVCF-D)
Besprechung über die Sitzfrage der UNCTAD (Rückzug der italienischen Kandidatur), die Konsumentenpolitik und die Schwierigkeiten in der Zusammensetzung einer Kommission für Konsumentenfragen sowie über die Revision der PTT-Taxen.
How to cite: Copy




Questions relating to the seat of international organisations

UN (Specialized Agencies) Italy (Others) Geneva's international role



Aktionsgemeinschaft der Arbeitnehmer und KonsumentenCoopCouncil of States/Finance CommitteeFDHA/Building DepartmentFDJP/Federal Office of JusticeFederal AssemblyFederal ChancelleryFederal Department for Foreign AffairsFederal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and SportFederal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and ResearchFederal Department of FinanceFederal Department of Home AffairsFederal Department of Justice and PoliceFederal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy, and CommunicationsMigrosMonaco/StaatNational CouncilNational Council/Finance CommitteeSwiss Broadcasting CorporationSwiss Confederation of Christian Trade UnionsSwiss Federal CouncilUN/Conference on Trade and DevelopmentUN/International Telecommunication UnionUniversity of St. GallenValais/Cantonal StateValais/Council of State

Geographical terms