Lingua: inglese
1.6.1920 (martedì)
Report on the activies of the Swiss Legation (Special Division) 1917–1920
Rapporto (R)
Besides the increased number of communications between legations and foreign ministries, the distribution of money to the right places was a challenging activity financed from German funds and yet administered by Swiss Legation. Thus, the maintenance of German property (buildings of the German embassy in Great Britain), the wages of German prisoners in UK, etc.... had to be guaranteed. The inspection of prison camps and their report writing were also part of the legation's tasks.

See also Part II (Contents):
- Report of Pastor A. Scholten, Rev. G. R. Zimmermann Rev. Meyer, Mr. Wolff (from YMCA) (not listed)
- Report dated Jan. 19, 1920 from Consul at Manchester (not listed)
- Report dated Jan. 19, 1920 from Consul at Glasgow (not listed)
- Report dated Jan. 24, 1920 from Consul at Hull (not listed)
- Report dated Feb. 6, 1920 from Consul at Liverpool (not listed)
- Report dated Jan. 15, 1920 from Consul at Auckland, N. Z. (not listed)
- Report dated Nov. 12, 1919 from Consul at Bombay, India (not listed)
- Report dated Nov. 13, 1919 from Consul at Brisbane, Australia (not listed)
- Report dated Jan. 7, 1920 from Consul at Capetown, South Africa (not listed)
- Report dated Nov. 10, 1919 from Consul at Melbourne, Australia (not listed)
- Report dated Jan. 26, 1920 from Consul at Colombo, Ceylon (not listed)
- Report dated April. 29, 1920 from Consul at Singapore, S. S. (not listed)
- Report dated June. 28, 1920 from Consul-General at Montreal (not listed)
- Report dated Nov. 25, 1920 from Norwegian Consul at Sydney, Australia (cf.
- Report dated Dec. 29, 1919 from Danish Consul at Malta (not listed)
Raccomandazione di citazione: Copiare



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Interessi esteri

Regno Unito (Generale) Reame Tedesco (Generale)


Destinataria / Destinatario
Dinichert, Paul (1878–1954)


Destinataria / Destinatario
DPF/Divisione degli Affari esteri
Menzionata / Menzionato
Ambasciata svizzera a LondraConsolato generale svizzero a BombayConsolato generale svizzero a MontrealConsolato generale svizzero a SydneyConsolato onorario svizzero a MelbourneConsolato svizzero a AucklandConsolato svizzero a BrisbaneConsolato svizzero a Città del CapoConsolato svizzero a ColomboConsolato svizzero a GlasgowConsolato svizzero a HullConsolato svizzero a LiverpoolConsolato svizzero a ManchesterConsolato svizzero a SingaporeDeutsche BankDFAE/Direzione politica/Documentazione politica su EDPDFAE/Segreteria di Stato/Direzione politica/Divisione politica II/Servizio degli interessi stranieriDipartimento federale degli affari esteriGermania/Ministero degli affari esteri del Reame TedescoGermania/Ministero della guerra del ReichUK/Bureau de posteUK/GovernoUK/Ministero degli affari esteriUK/Ministero della Difesa

Termini geografici

Autrice / Autore