Sprache: Hebräisch
16.4.1990 (Montag)
GDR-FRG-Israel. Following our Telegram No. 73 of 12.4.
Telegramm (T) • geheim
Review of the situation in the GDR following the elections. The new parliament has passed a resolution recognizing Germany's crimes against the Jews and instructing the government to work for establishment of relations with Israel. Open official negotiations with the GDR are proposed.
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Abgedruckt in

Marc Dierikx and Sacha Zala (eds.)

When the Wall Came Down. The Perception of German Reunification in International Diplomatic Documents 1989–1990, Bd. 12, Dok. 45

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Bern 2019

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Zitierempfehlung: Kopieren
Cover of QdD, 12
