Information about organization

Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission
Neutrale Überwachungskommission für den Waffenstillstand in Korea
Commission de supervision des nations neutres en Corée
Commissione di supervisione delle nazioni neutrali
Neutrale Waffenstillstandskommission
Commission de surveillance des nations neutres pour l'armistice en Corée
Commission des Etats neutres pour la surveillance de l'armistice en Corée
Commission de contrôle de l'armistice
Commission neutre de contrôle de l'armistice en Corée
Commission de contrôle des nations neutres à Panmunjom
Cf. E 2800/1990/106/vol. 12 (entre autres communiqué du 23.6.1953)et E 2800/1967/59/72 (Notice du 13.6.1953). Cf.
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Relations to other organizations (7)
Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission surveyKorean Armistice Agreement
Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission reports toKorea/Military Armistice Commission
Military Armistice Commission/Delegation of the United Nations Commandfounds Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission
NNSC/Polnische Missionbelongs to Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission
NNSC/Swedish Missionbelongs to Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission
NNSC/Swiss Missionbelongs to Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission
NNSC/Czechoslovak Missionbelongs to Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission

Written documents (6 records found)
1.8.195366061pdfMinutesNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC)
At the first NNSC meeting, the four delegations explained their motivation to participate in the Commission and discussed the languages to be used, the chairmanship and the start of the Commission's...
2.8.195366834pdfMinutesNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Second joint meeting of the NNSC on issues related to the organisation of the Commission and the establishment of the Neutral Nations Inspection Teams.
26.10.195366967pdfReportNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The Mobile Neutral Nations Inspection Team No. 4 as a result of its observations and inspections at the airfield of Uiju, has not found any evidence whatsoever, that the KPA and CPV have violated...
27.10.195366969pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Separate report by NNSC North and South Neutrals on the findings of the investigations by Mobile Inspection Teams 1 to 3 into allegations by the North side of obstruction of the work of Joint Red...
14.5.195466927pdfMinutesNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The main subject of the NNSC meeting is the mutual accusation of illicit movement of war material. The Polish delegate refuses to sign the document prepared by the Swiss and Swedish Generals.
3.5.195566881pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The NNSC is proposing to reduce the number of ports of entry to North Korea and South Korea where the NNITs would be stationed from five to three, and that the six remaining fixed teams would be made...

Received documents (4 records found)
12.2.195466831pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) In the midst of allegations of violation of the Armistice Agreement, the Chinese-Korean side rejects the accusations and, in turn, blames the United Nations Command for reinforcing combat materials.
15.4.195466830pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) After a violation of the Armistice Agreement by the Chinese-Korean side, the United Nations Command accuses them of obstructing the work of the NNSC.
24.4.195466807pdfTelegramNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Durant la Conférence de Genève, la délégation suisse de la NNSC doit continuer son activité en s'efforçant de lui donner un caractère de routine inchangée.
24.10.197466627pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission is being informed of the United States' illegal introduction of nuclear weapons into South Korea, which is creating a danger of nuclear war in the region....

Mentioned in the documents (365 records found)
20.4.195465592pdfLetterNeutral Nations Repatriation Commission (NNRC) Vertrauliche Ausführungen zu den politischen Hintergründen, von denen die Verfassung des an den Bundesrat gerichteten Berichts über die Tätigkeiten der NNRC beeinflusst wurden. Der Bundesrat muss sich...
4.5.195466808pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The Swedish and Swiss members of the NNSC decline any responsibility for the state of the affairs resulting from the noncooperation of their Czechoslovak and Polish colleagues who held different...
4.5.195466918pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The Swiss and Swedish NNSC delegations describe the accusations made by the Polish and Czechoslovak delegations against UNMAC concerning violations of the armistice agreement in Korea as a distortion...
7.5.195466809pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The Chinese-Korean side has applied different procedures than the United Nations Command in regards to reporting combat material. The Swedish and Swiss members of the NNSC has maintained that the...
8.5.195466828pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Die Debattierkultur in der Überwachungskommission ist geprägt von gegenseitigen Anschuldigungen. Im Zeichen dieser Diskussionen versuchen die schweizerische und schwedische Delegation eine Antwort auf...
14.5.195466927pdfMinutesNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The main subject of the NNSC meeting is the mutual accusation of illicit movement of war material. The Polish delegate refuses to sign the document prepared by the Swiss and Swedish Generals.
15.5.195466829pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Die tschechoslowakischen und polnischen Delegationschefs weisen die Anschuldigungen gegenüber der ungenügenden Kontrolle der Nordseite von schweizerischer, schwedischer sowie UN-Seite zurück....
26.5.195466827pdfTelegramNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Das EPD ist besorgt, da die jüngsten polemischen Stellungnahmen der schweizerischen und schwedischen NNSC-Delegation an der Asienkonferenz in Genf zu Verlautbarungen geführt haben.
31.5.19549675pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC)
Mit Besorgnis nimmt das EPD die jüngste Entwicklung der Verhältnisse innerhalb der Neutralen Überwachungskommission in Korea zur Kenntnis. Das Verhalten der Kommissionsmitglieder wird momentan mit den...
8.6.195449714pdfMinutes of negotiations of the Federal CouncilGood offices Aufgrund der Erfahrungen, welche die Schweiz bei der Mitwirkung in Kommissionen zum Koreakrieg gemacht hat, werden bezüglich einer eventuellen Teilnahme der Schweiz an einer neutralen Kommission für...