Language: Multiple languages
[23].12.1991 (Monday)
Informations hebdomadaires [52]/91 [Fragment]
Weekly telex (TH)
Teil 1: Informations hebdomadaires rapides Index: [Fragment]
1) Visite de travail du SE Jacobi à Lisbonne auprès de la future présidence CE, le 19.12.1991 (E7113A#2001/193#393*).
2) Réunion du HLNG AELE–CE, Bruxelles, 19.12.1991 (E7113A#2001/193#393*).
3) GATT: Cycle de l'Uruguay (E7113A#2001/193#393*)

Teil 2: Informations hebdomadaires Index: [Fragment]
1) ...
2) Offizieller Arbeitsbesuch von Botschafter Jenö C. A. Staehelin in Bulgarien vom 16.–17.12.1991 (E2010A#2001/161#1728*).
[x]) Conférence ministérielle sur la Charte européenne de l'énergie (E2010A#2001/161#6789*).

Informationen zu den Wochentelex-Fragmenten • Informations sur les télex hebdomadaires • Informazioni sui frammenti settimanali di telex:
File reference: A.
How to cite: Copy

3 repositories



Bulgaria (Politics)

Portugal (General) Negotiations EFTA–EEC on the EEA-Agreement (1989–1991) Uruguay Round (1986–1994) European Energy Charter



Bulgaria/GovernmentBulgaria/Movement for Rights and FreedomsBulgaria/ParliamentBulgaria/Socialist PartyBulgaria/Union of Democratic ForcesCouncil for Mutual Economic CooperationCouncil of EuropeCourt of Justice of the European UnionEFTA/CourtEFTA/High Level Negotiating GroupEU/Council of MinistersEU/European CommissionEU/European Commission/Directorate-General for the External RelationsEuropean Economic AreaEuropean Free Trade AssociationEuropean UnionFDEA/Federal Office of Foreign Economic AffairsGATT/Trade Negotiations CommitteeGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and TradeGeneral Agreement on Trade in ServicesGreece/GovernmentNATOOrganisation of the Black Sea Economic CooperationPortugal/GovernmentTreaty of RomeTurkey/GovernmentUNOUSA/GovernmentUSSR/GovernmentWarsaw PactWorld Trade Organization

Geographical terms