Sprache: Hebräisch
20.2.1990 (Dienstag)
Summary of the Minister's Visit
Telegramm (T) • dringend und geheim
A report on Foreign Minister Arens' talks in Bonn with Chancellor Kohl and President von Weizsäcker. Arens told the latter that he sees the reunification of Germany as "a foregone conclusion". Kohl said that East Germany was rapidly collapsing, and assured Arens that "there is no Fourth Reich, and never will be."
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Abgedruckt in

Marc Dierikx and Sacha Zala (eds.)

When the Wall Came Down. The Perception of German Reunification in International Diplomatic Documents 1989–1990, Bd. 12, Dok. 39

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Bern 2019

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Zitierempfehlung: Kopieren
Cover of QdD, 12
