Language: French
24.3.1977 (Thursday)
Visite officielle à Bruxelles de Monsieur P. Graber, Conseiller fédéral, Chef du Département politique, les 3 et 4.3.1977
Minutes (PV)
Le Conseiller fédéral P. Graber et son homologue belge R. van Elslande discutent des sujets importants du moment, principalement les rapports Est-Ouest (tensions et détente entre l'Occident et le bloc communiste) et Nord-Sud (situation au Proche-Orient et en Afrique australe notamment), les conférences internationales (CSCE, CCEI, etc.) et détaillent les positions de leur pays respectif.
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Belgium (Politics)

Europe's Organisations Council of Europe European Union (EEC–EC–EU) Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Technical cooperation Disarmament CSCE follow-up meeting in Belgrade (1977–1978) CSCE and peaceful settlement of disputes


Allon, Yigal (1918–1980)Andres, Ernst (1932–)Caillat, Claude (1918–2008)Coigny, André (1925–1997)Cuendet, Jean (1929–1988)de Breucker, JeanDenille, AgnèsDenorme, Roger (1922–2004)el-Sadat, Muhammad Anwar (1918–1981)Graber, Pierre (1908–2003)Hay, Alexandre (1919–1991)Hurni, Auguste (1916–1988)Kirchschläger, Rudolf (1915–2000)Lavalleye, P.Lejeune, MarcelLion, RenéLipatti, Valentin (1923–1998)Macovescu, George (1913–2002)Mobutu, Sese Seko (1930–1997)Nordmann, François (1942–)Nyerere, Julius Kambarage (1922–1999)Onkelinx, André (1931–2021)Owen, David (1938–)Puttevils, GeorgesSchoutheete de Tervarent, Philippe de (1932–2016)Senghor, Léopold Sédar (1906–2001)Smith, Ian (1919–2007)Tindemans, Leo (1922–2014)Van Bellinghen, Jean-Paul (1925–1993)Van den Bloock, J. R.Van Elslande, Renaat (1916–2000)Weitnauer, Albert (1916–1984)Young, Andrew Jackson (1932–)Ziegler, François de (1922–2006)


Angola/National Union for the Total Independence of AngolaAngola/People's Movement for the Liberation of AngolaBelgium/GovernmentConference on international economic cooperationCouncil of EuropeCouncil of Europe/European Court of Human RightsCouncil of Europe/Steering Committee for Human RightsCSCE/Neutral and Non-AlignedEU/Council of MinistersEU/European ParliamentEuropean Cooperation in Science and TechnologyEuropean Free Trade AssociationEuropean Investment BankEuropean UnionGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and TradeInternational Committee of the Red CrossInternational Monetary FundMutual and Balanced Force ReductionsNATOOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOrganization for Security and Co-operation in EuropeOrganization for Security and Co-operation in EuropePalestine/Palestine Liberation OrganizationStrategic Arms Limitation Talks IISystem of Peaceful Settlement of DisputesUN/Conference on Trade and DevelopmentUN/General AssemblyUNCTAD/Group BUNOUSA/GovernmentWarsaw PactWBG/WB/International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Geographical terms