Language: French
Politique suisse d'aide humanitaire. Définition des critères et priorités à observer dans la répartition de l'aide humanitaire
Report (R)
Aperçu des objectifs, du financement, de la planification et de la mise en oeuvre des différentes formes de l'aide humanitaire suisse, notamment l'aide d'urgence, l'aide à moyen et à plus long terme ainsi que l'aide alimentaire en produits laitiers.
How to cite: Copy

4 repositories



Humanitarian aid

Technical cooperation


Centre for Humanitarian DialogueEVD/Abteilung für Landwirtschaft/Unterabteilung MilchEVD/Bundesamt für LandwirtschaftFAO/OSROFDETEC/Federal Office of Civil AviationFDF/Control of FinancesFDF/Federal Finance AdministrationFDFA/Directorate of International OrganizationsFDFA/SDC/Federal Council Delegate for Relief Operations AbroadFDFA/SDC/Humanitarian Aid Division and SHA/Humanitarian Cooperation SectionFDFA/State Secretariat/Directorate of Political AffairsFDFA/Swiss Agency for Development and CooperationFDHA/Federal Office of Public HealthFederal AssemblyFederal Department for Foreign AffairsFederal Department of FinanceInternational Committee of the Red CrossInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent SocietiesInternational Union for Child WelfareOFORPermanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN and to the other international organisations in GenevaPermanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN in New YorkSchweizerische Kammer der Wirtschaftsprüfer und SteuerexpertenSwiss Disaster Relief UnitSwiss Federal CouncilSwiss Protestant AidSwiss Red CrossSwiss Society CaritasUN/Disaster Relief OrganizationUN/International Children's Emergency FundUN/International Organisation for MigrationUN/Office of the High Commissioner for RefugeesUN/World Food ProgrammeUNOUNO/Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near EastUNO/World Health Organization

Geographical terms