Language: Multiple languages
20.1.1993 (Wednesday)
93.008 Bericht zur Aussenwirtschaftspolitik 92/1+2 und Botschaften zu Wirtschaftsvereinbarungen
93.008 Rapport sur la politique économique extérieure 92/1+2 et Messages concernant des accords économiques internationaux
93.008 Rapporto sulla politica economica esterna 92/1+2 e Messaggi concernenti accordi economici internazionali
Report (R)
Die Wirtschaftstätigkeit blieb im Berichtsjahr schwach. So schrumpfte das reale BIP der Schweiz im Berichtsjahr um ein halbes Prozent. Nach der Ablehnung des EWR-Abkommens bleibt die Unsicherheit über die Standortzukunft. Der Entscheid ist zwar vorbehaltlos zu respektieren, dennoch soll die Option eines EG-Beitritts offengehalten werden.
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European Union (EEC–EC–EU)



African Development BankAndean Development CorporationAsian Development BankCommonwealth of Independent StatesEconomic and Monetary UnionEFTA/CourtEFTA/Ministerial CouncilEnterprise Europe NetworkERASMUSEUREKA (E!)European Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentEuropean Coal and Steel CommunityEuropean Committee for Electrotechnical StandardizationEuropean Cooperation in Science and TechnologyEuropean Economic AreaEuropean Free Trade AssociationEuropean Research Area and Innovation CommitteeEuropean Space AgencyEuropean UnionFairtrade Max HavelaarFDEA/Federal Office of Foreign Economic AffairsFederal AssemblyFederal Department of FinanceG-24 (Eastern Europe)General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeGeneral Agreement on Trade in ServicesIDB/Inter-American Investment CorporationInter-American Development BankInternational Energy AgencyInternational Monetary FundInternational Trade CenterIsrael/Ministry of Foreign AffairIsrael/Permanent Mission in GenevaNorth American Free Trade AgreementOECD/Committee for Information, Computer and Communications PolicyOECD/Committee on Capital Movements and Invisible TransactionsOECD/Committee on Competition Law and PolicyOECD/Development Assistance CommitteeOECD/Environment Policy CommitteeOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

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