Langue: anglais
Report of CSCE Mission to Inspect Places of Detention in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 29 August–4 September 1992
Rapport (R)
The Mission recommends the CSCE should denounce «ethnic cleansing» and insist on the right of all citizens essentially to return to their homes. All prisoners should be unilaterally released simultaneously, provided that their subsequent safety is assured. A Quadripartite Commission should be formed with one representative each of the Bosnia Government and chaired by and international personality.

Darin: Map (Annex A).
Darin: List of Alleged Detention Places (Annex B).
Darin: Memorandum on Trnopolje (Annex C).
Darin: 22 May Document (Annex D).
Darin: List of Detention Places visited by the Mission (Annex E).
Darin: Notes on Detention Places visited by the Mission (Annex F).
Darin: List of Mission Members (Annex G).
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