Information about organization

Bosnia and Herzegovina/Party of Democratic Action
Bosnien und Herzegowina/Partei der demokratischen Aktion (26.5.1990...)
Bosnia and Herzegovina/Party of Democratic Action (26.5.1990...)
Bosnie-Herzégovine/Parti d'action démocratique (26.5.1990...)
Bosnia ed Erzegovina/Partito d'Azione Democratica (26.5.1990...)
Stranka demokratske akcije (26.5.1990...)

Further information:

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Persons linked to this organisation (6 records found)
MemberKresevljakovic, Muhamed
MemberSilajdžić, Haris
26.5.1990FounderIzetbegović, Alija
26.5.1990–13.10.2001PresidentIzetbegović, Alija
26.5.1990FounderAbdić, Fikret
...1995...Vice PresidentBičakčić, Edhem

Mentioned in the documents (3 records found)
28.3.199158976pdfPolitical reportBosnia and Herzegovina (General) Le mélange de populations (musulmans au sens ethnique, Serbes et Croates) et de religions (catholique, musulmane, orthodoxe et juive) fait de la république de Bosnie-Herzégovine une Yougoslavie en...
20.8.199158526pdfReportYugoslav Wars (1991–2001) Historischer Überblick über die jugoslawische Krise und Analyse der neuesten Entwicklungen (Friedensplan von Brioni und dessen Auswirkungen auf Slowenien und Kroatien, die Bedeutung der jugoslawischen...
[4.9.1992...]62159pdfReportYugoslav Wars (1991–2001) The Mission recommends the CSCE should denounce «ethnic cleansing» and insist on the right of all citizens essentially to return to their homes. All prisoners should be unilaterally released...