Sprache: Englisch
9.8.1992 (Sonntag)
Report of the CSCE Exploratory Mission to Kosovo, Vojvodina and Sandzak, 2–8.8.1992
Bericht (R)
The situation regarding human rights and the protection of minorities in the areas visited is very serious and even alarming. Because of their extreme complexity, the issues involved have to be treated with impartiality, balance and caution and will need observation and assistance over a long period of time.

Darin: Members of the Mission (Annex I).
Darin: Program (Annex II).
Darin: Previous CSCE fact-finding missions to Yugolsavia (Annex III).
Zitierempfehlung: Kopieren

2 Aufbewahrungsorte



Jugoslawienkriege (1991–2001)

Menschenrechte Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) Serbien (Allgemein) Kosovo (Allgemein) Minderheitenfragen



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