Information about organization

Serbia/Ministry of Internal Affairs
Serbien/Innenministerium (2006...)
Serbia/Ministry of Internal Affairs (2006...)
Serbie/Ministère de l'intérieur (2006...)
Serbia/Ministero dell'interno (2006...)
Serbien und Montenegro/Innenministerium (2003–2006)
Serbia and Montenegro/Ministry of Internal Affairs (2003–2006)
Serbie-et-Monténégro/Ministère de l'intérieur (2003–2006)
Serbia e Montenegro/Ministero dell'interno (2003–2006)
Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien/Innenministerium (1992–2003)
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia/Ministry of Internal Affairs (1992–2003)
République fédérale de Yougoslavie/Ministère de l'intérieur (1992–2003)
Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia/Ministero dell'interno (1992–2003)
Jugoslawien/Serbien/Innenministerium (1945–1992)
Yugoslavia/Serbia/Ministry of Internal Affairs (1945–1992)
Yougoslavie/Serbie/Ministère de l'intérieur (1945–1992)
Jugoslavia/Serbia/Ministero dell'interno (1945–1992)
SFRJ/Serbien/Innenministerium (1945–1992)
SFRY/Serbia/Ministry of Internal Affairs (1945–1992)
RFSY/Serbie/Ministère de l'intérieur (1945–1992)
SFRJ/Serbia/Ministero dell'interno (1945–1992)

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Persons linked to this organisation (1 records found)
...1992...Deputy MinisterRistić, Ljubo

Mentioned in the documents (3 records found)
2.6.199259827pdfReportYugoslav Wars (1991–2001) The CSCE Human Rights Rapporteur Follow-up Mission visited Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia – including Kosovo and Vojvodina – and Slovenia between 3 and 9.5.1992. Since the Mission's last...
9.8.199262158pdfReportYugoslav Wars (1991–2001) The situation regarding human rights and the protection of minorities in the areas visited is very serious and even alarming. Because of their extreme complexity, the issues involved have to be...
3.3.199364339pdfReportKosovo (General) Der Schwerpunkt der Abklärungsreise lag in einem Augenschein zur Menschenrechtslage in Kosovo und Serbien generell sowie eine Bestandesaufnahme der Lage der Kriegsflüchtlinge aus Kroatien und...