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Attitudes in relation to persecutions
Haltungen gegenüber Verfolgungen
Attitudes face aux persécutions
Atteggiamenti di fronte alle persecuzioni

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Assigned documents (main subject) (277 records found)
198115905Bibliographical referenceAttitudes in relation to persecutions e.a.:
- Urner, Klaus: Neutralité et politique commerciale pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, p. 35-39.
- Meier, Heinz K.: Les relations de la Suisse avec la Grande-Bretagne et les...
198215395Bibliographical referenceAttitudes in relation to persecutions Nicolas Meienberg, Maurice Bavaud a voulu tuer Hitler, traduit de l'allemand par Luc Weibel, Préface de Gérard Valbert, Genève, 1982.
198417741Bibliographical referenceAttitudes in relation to persecutions Hemmendinger, Judith: Les enfants de Buchenwald : que sont devenus les 1000 enfants juifs sauvés en 1945 ? / préface d'Elie Wiesel, Lausanne ; Paris : P.-M. Favre, 1984, 203 p. (Collection...
198515694Bibliographical referenceAttitudes in relation to persecutions Im Hof-Piguet, Anne-Marie: La filière en France occupée 1942-44, Yverdon 1985. Préface de Jean-Claude Favez
198515736Bibliographical referenceAttitudes in relation to persecutions Ludwig-Bühler, Ulrike: "Im NS-Musterbetrieb. Frauen in einem Textilunternehmen an der Schweizer Grenze", in: Niethammer, Lutz; Plato, Alexander von (Ed.): "Wir kriegen jetzt andere Zeiten." Auf der...
198514869Bibliographical referenceAttitudes in relation to persecutions Johann-Markus Werner, Konsul Carl Lutz (1895-1975) Im Dienste der Menschlichkeit, Liz.-Arbeit, Uni Berne 1985.
198714799Bibliographical referenceAttitudes in relation to persecutions Courtois Stéphane, Adam Rayski (sous la direction de), Qui savait quoi? L'extermination des Juifs 1941-1945, Paris La Découverte 1987.
198816148Bibliographical referenceAttitudes in relation to persecutions cité par Daniel Bourgeois, p. 287.
198914855Bibliographical referenceAttitudes in relation to persecutions Alexandre Safran, "Un tison arraché aux flammes". La communauté juive de Roumanie 1939-1947, Paris 1989.
199014774Bibliographical referenceAttitudes in relation to persecutions KAMIS-MUELLER, Aaron, Antisemitismus in der Schweiz. 1900-1930, Zürich 1990.
Assigned documents (secondary subject) (519 records found)
1935-194625043Information Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland-Second World War (ICE)30 - ICE: Banks Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

193520120Information Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland-Second World War (ICE)10 - ICE: Foreign trade and payments / Economic policy Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

193520121Information Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland-Second World War (ICE)10 - ICE: Foreign trade and payments / Economic policy Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

1936-31.8.194226695Information Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland-Second World War (ICE)10 - ICE: Foreign trade and payments / Economic policy Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

1936-194426732Information Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland-Second World War (ICE)40 - ICE: Monetary and central bank policy Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

1936-193820184Information Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland-Second World War (ICE)16 - ICE: Monetary and payment transactions / Clearing Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

28.2.1936-31.10.193625127Information Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland-Second World War (ICE)10 - ICE: Foreign trade and payments / Economic policy Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

1.5.1936-31.1.194526669Information Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland-Second World War (ICE)10 - ICE: Foreign trade and payments / Economic policy Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

1.5.1936-31.1.193926731Information Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland-Second World War (ICE)10 - ICE: Foreign trade and payments / Economic policy Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

20.7.193654266pdfReportLeague of Nations In der Konferenz wird die Einführung und Handhabung von speziellen Identitätsausweisen sowie der Rechtsstatus der Geflüchteten in den Zufluchtsstaaten beschlossen. Der Delegierte der Schweiz hält...