Lingua: inglese
1.8.1953 (sabato)
First joint meeting of the NNSC held at Panmunjom on the 1st of August 1953
Verbale (PV)
At the first NNSC meeting, the four delegations explained their motivation to participate in the Commission and discussed the languages to be used, the chairmanship and the start of the Commission's work.
Raccomandazione di citazione: Copiare

Pubblicato in

Sacha Zala, Yves Steiner und Dominik Bär (Hg.)

Die Schweiz und die NNSC. Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz zur Geschichte der Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission in Korea 1951–1995, vol. 21, doc. 13

volume link

Bern 2023

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Raccomandazione di citazione: Copiare
Cover of QdD, 21
