Information about organization

Steering Committee
Steuergruppe Rückkehrhilfe

Further information:

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Persons linked to this organisation (26 records found)
1994...MemberBaumgartner, Hans
1994...MemberBinder, Marcel
1994...MemberFust, Walter
1994...MemberDannecker, Rudolf
1994...MemberRaedersdorf, Charles
1994...MemberRial, Jacques
1994...MemberDumartheray, Vasco
1994...MemberPerrin, H.P.Protokoll
1994...MemberGähwiler, Jörg
1994...MemberBetschart, UrsAnwesend an der 1. Sitzung vom 29.3.1994

Relations to other organizations (1)
Steering Committee was founded byFDJP/Federal Office for Refugees