Information about organization

USA/State Department
USA/Département d'État
USA/Dipartimento di Stato
USA/Department of State
USA/Ministère des Affaires étrangères
Foreign Service of the United States of America

Für das "Bureau of Consular Affairs" (Visa Office), vgl. und
Für das "Office of Cuban Coordination" in Miami, vgl.
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Persons linked to this organisation (427 records found)
1960–1961EmployeeJackson, Richard L.Bureau of Intelligence and Research / Horn of Africa Affairs
1961...EmployeeAbrams, Manuelen tous cas en 1961
1961-9.1965Assistant Secretary of StateTalbot, PhillipsCf. FRUS, Vol XVIII, Arab-Israeli Dispute 1964-1967, p. XXXI et
1961–2019Legal advisorDalton, Robert Edward
1961-1966Under-Secretary of StateBall, George Wildman
1961...Assistant Under Secretary of StateMartin, Edwin McCammonen tous cas en 1961
1961-2009Diplomatischer MitarbeiterBosworth, Stephen W.
21.1.1961-20.1.1969Minister of Foreign AffairsRusk, DeanVgl. (Minister-Ploetz) Regenten und Regierungen der Welt, Teil II, Bd. 4, Neueste Zeit 1917/18-1964, 2. Auflage; bearbeitet von Bertold Spuler, herausgegeben von A.G. Ploetz, Bielefeld, 1964, S. 643.
13.2.1961-3.12.1961Ambassador at LargeHarriman, AverellAppointed: February 6, 1961. Cf.
3.4.1961-31.7.1963Assistant Secretary of StateBlumenthal, Michael W.Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume IX, Foreign Economic Policy

Relations to other organizations (4)
USA/Department of State/Office of International Scientific and Technological Activitiesbelongs to USA/State Department
USA/Foreign Policy Planning Staffbelongs to USA/State Department Cf.
USA/State Department/Office for Eastern European Affairsbelongs to USA/State Department
USA/State Department/Section Southern Tropical Regionbelongs to USA/State Department

Written documents (14 records found)
19.12.186064027pdfLetterJapan (General) Der amerikanischen Regierung ist sehr daran gelegen, ihre Freundschaft und Achtung für die schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft auszudrücken, indem sie anbietet, die in Japan sich aufhaltenden...
9.1.19528310pdfMemorandum (aide-mémoire)Export of war material Secret. Aide-Mémoire
20.5.195366873pdfNoteUnited States of America (USA) (General) While the USA agrees that the Swiss interpretation of Paragraphs 13c and 13d of the Armistice Agreement of Panmunjom is literally correct, the State Department calls for a «reasonable» interpretation.
3.4.196016504pdfNoteOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEEC–OECD) Opinion du Département d'Etat concernant l'attitude suisse dans le cadre des discussions multilatérales en matière de politique économique et commerciale.
4.1.196115005pdfNoteForeign interests
Die Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten ersucht die Schweiz, die amerikanischen Interessen auf Kuba zu übernehmen. - Les Etats-Unis demandent à la Suisse d'assumer la protection des intérêts américains...
7.11.196130503pdfLetterOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEEC–OECD) US Governement proposes to define a target GNP-growth of 50% for OECD-countries until 1970.
8.11.196230389pdfLetterForeign interests Remerciements pour les efforts assurés dans le cadre de la représentation des intérêts des Etats-Unis à Cuba
17.4.196733721pdfLetterForeign interests The repatriation program for American citizens resident in Cuba was extended to encompass non-citizen immediate family members in order to keep family units together. According to the US-Coordinator...
28.10.196853231pdfLetterUnited States of America (USA) (Economy) Representatives of the FDA visited Switzerland to evaluate the Swiss inspection system as it applies to bulk drugs. It hast been determined that the two inspection systems are substantially...
20.9.198254197pdfLetterUnited States of America (USA) (Economy) The Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission is in contact with firms in Switzerland and the United States in order to construct a new power plant. The Secretary of State asks that the Swiss government helps...

Received documents (8 records found)
5.2.195210699pdfNoteImport of munition The Government of Switzerland declares its approval to the US’ conditions for selling military equipment, materials and services to Switzerland and states that it will be used solely for internal...
14.7.19527740pdfMemorandum (aide-mémoire)Korea (General) Switzerland would in principle agree to send military observers to POW camps in Korea. However, for the sake of general acceptance of the mission, the other members should be in greater part from...
14.4.195366771pdfMemorandum (aide-mémoire)Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The Federal Council has notes on the drafts of the Armistice Agreement pertaining to the status and duties of the NNSC, in particular concerning neutrality as well as the needed clarification of the...
27.11.196432038pdfMemorandum (aide-mémoire)Unlawful activities on behalf of a foreign state (Art. 271–274 SCC) Offical functions exercised by officials of a foreign government are illegal in Switzerland, actions against its sovereignty and neutrality can therefore not be tolerated by its government.
28.6.196853230pdfLetterUnited States of America (USA) (Economy) As the United States have accepted in principle the Swiss drug inspections, they are invited to proceed to the envisaged evaluation of the Swiss inspection systems. After a satisfactory evaluation has...
16.9.197750820pdfLetterUnited States of America (USA) (Economy) The particular problems of Switzerland concerning the management of nuclear fuel of US origin for its nuclear power plants and research laboratories are outlined.

Included: Aide memoire...
10.11.198952915pdfMemoInternational perceptions of the German reunification (1989–1990)
Preliminary assessment of the implications of the dramatic events in East Berlin for US policy in Europe.
19.6.199054950pdfLetterOrganization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Response of R. Felber to J. A. Baker's letter on the changing European landscape. Switzerland follows with keen interest the developments of the two German States towards unification. With regard to...

Mentioned in the documents (914 records found)
5.9.19507583pdfMemoKorean War (1950–1953) Reflexion sur une aide que la Suisse pourrait apporter aux populations coréennes.
18.11.19507585pdfLetterAsia Giro d'orizzonte sulle situazione in Asie vista dal Foreign Office
8.12.195052796pdfMemoThe Case of Charles Davis (1950) Interrogations du Procureur général de la Confédération sur l'opportunité de la poursuite pénale de l'espion Charles Davis au vu d'un contexte mettant en jeu à la fois des intérêts suisses et une...
9.12.19508868pdfMemoUnited States of America (USA) (Economy) Überblick über den bisherigen Verlauf des Falles "Interhandel", die Vorgehensweise der amerikanischen Behörde in der Zeugeneinvernahme und die damit verbundenen Probleme zwischen den USA und der...
11.12.195052799pdfMemoThe Case of Charles Davis (1950) Proposition d'expulsion de l'espion américain Charles Davis fondée sur une pesée d'intérêt entre la répression de manœuvres compromettant la sûreté de la Suisse et la dimension internationale,...
13.12.195052795pdfMemoThe Case of Charles Davis (1950) Les mémoires rédigés par le Ministère public de la Confédération dans le cadre de l'affaire de l'espion Charles Davis posent la question de la personnalité du sénateur nord-américain J. McCarthy.
2.2.19517920pdfMinutes of the Federal CouncilWashington Agreement (1946) Die Note des amerikanischen State Departement betreffend das Abkommen von Washington wird zustimmend beantwortet.
15.2.19518578pdfLetterUnited States of America (USA) (Politics)
Le Département d'Etat s'est exprimé contre la nomination de Patterson à l'Ambassade des Etats-Unis à Berne. Importance et influence du Sénateur McCarthy. Annonce d'un proche retrait des troupes...
16.3.19517231pdfMinutes of the Federal CouncilEast-West-Trade (1945–1990)
Approbation d'un mémorandum sur la position de la Suisse, adopté après consultation des représentants suisses à Washington, Londres et Paris: résister aux pressions et poursuivre le commerce avec...
21.3.19518687pdfPolitical reportArgentina (Politics) Il semble probable que le général Peron se présente à nouveau aux élections de 1952 (ainsi que sa femme à la vice-présidence). Affaire du journal non peroniste "La Prensa" : problème de la liberté de...