Sprache: Englisch
Enterprise in the Period of fascisme in Europe, Edited by Harold James and Jakob Tanner, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002.
Bibliographischer Hinweis (Bib)
The economic origins and dimensions of European Fascism, Gerald D. Feldman; [pp. 3-13]
Banks and the era of totalitarianism: banking in Nazi Germany, Harold James; [pp..14-25]
Industry under the swastika, Peter Hayes; [pp. 26-37]
Comment, Christopher Kopper; [pp. 38-40]
Spanish entrepreneurs in the era of Fascism: from the Primo de Rivera dictatorship to the Franco dictatorship (1923-1945), Mercedes Cabrera and Fernando del Rey; [pp. 43-61]
The Fascist regime and big business: the Fiat and Montecatini cases, Franco Amatori; [pp 62-77]
Entrepreneurs and the Fascist regime in Italy: from the honeymoon to the divorce, Luciano Segreto; [pp. 78-93]
Comment, Pablo Martin Aceña; [pp. 94-102]
Enterprises in Switzerland during World War II, Jean-François Bergier; [pp. 105-114]
Business as usual? The Danish economy and business during the German occupation, Per H. Hansen; [pp. 115-143]
Comment, Jakob Tanner; [pp. 144-148]
Business in the Grossraumwirtschaft: Eastern Europe 1938-1945, Richard J. Overy; [pp. 151-177]
Polish and Jewish entrepreneurs during the German Occupation in Poland 1939-1945, Zbigniew Landau; [pp. 178-188]
Comment, Boris Barth; [pp. 189-191]
The Belgian business elite, economic exploitation and National Socialist corporatism, Dirk Luyten; [pp. 195-218]
The Dutch economy during the German occupation 1940-1945, Hein A. M. Klemann; [pp. 219-258]
French enterprises under German Occupation 1940-1944, Patrick Fridenson; [pp. 259-269]
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