Information about Person

Dreyfus, Paul
Additional names: Dreyfus-de Gunzburg, Paul
Gender: male
Relations to other persons:

Dreyfus, Paul is the cousin of Dreyfus, L.-W.

Dreyfus, Paul is the child of Dreyfus, Jules

Functions (3 records founds)
ChefDreyfus Söhne & CieCf. lettre du 10.10.1944, E 2001(E)2/626.
Delegate of the Board of DirectorsDreyfus Söhne & CieInfo UEK/CIE: Cf. lettre du 10.10.1944, E 2001(E)2/626.
Cf. E 2001(E)1968/78/vol. 341 (notice du 3.2.1944).cf. Ragionenbuch, 1943, p. 137.
...1940Member of the Board of DirectorsElektrarna FalaInfo UEK/CIE: Cf. (BAR E 2001(D)-/ 3/, 506)

Mentioned in the documents (11 records found)
200218538Bibliographical referenceGerman Realm (General) Est, en quelque sorte, la continuation d'un ouvrage du même auteur paru en espagnol: "Perón y los Alemanes : la verdad soble el espionaje nazi y los fugitivos del Reich" (Ed. Sudamericana, Buenos...