Informazioni sulla persona

Liebermann, Rolf
Genere: maschile
Paese di riferimento: Svizzera
Attività: Musicista

Menzionata nei documenti (4 informazioni trovate)
28.8.199158482pdfLetteraLituania (Generale) The President of the Confederation Cotti informs President Landsbergis that the Swiss Government has decided to restore full bilateral relations between Switzerland and the independent and sovereign...
28.8.199158483pdfLetteraLettonia (Generale) The President of the Confederation Cotti informs President Gorbunov that the Swiss Government has decided to restore full bilateral relations between Switzerland and the independent and sovereign...
28.8.199158484pdfLetteraEstonia (Generale) The President of the Confederation Cotti informs President Rüütel that the Swiss Government has decided to restore full bilateral relations between Switzerland and the independent and sovereign...
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