Information about Geographical term

Camp David
Naval Support Facility Thurmont, Erholungsanlage für den amtierenden Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten in Catoctin Mountain, Frederick County, Maryland, USA. Inoffiziell Presidential Retreat "Camp David". Oft auch als Ort für formelle und informelle Gespräche zwischen den USA und Regierungschefs anderer Staaten genutzt.
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Documents mentioning this place (91 records found)
23.7.199161934pdfReportLebanon (General) Lebanon is willing to participate in a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, but cannot engage in such negotiations with Israel alone. The increasing stabilisation of the government undermines the...
26.7.199161941pdfReportIsrael (General) According to the Labour opposition in Israel, the policies of the present government are catastrophic and are creating a situation similar to that in Yugoslavia, Lebanon and Ireland. Gaza belongs to...
31.7.199161945pdfReportLebanon (General) Lebanon is interested in separating UN Security Council resolution 245 from the rest of the peace talks on the Middle East. There is no reason for the south of the country to remain occupied by...
2.8.199161944pdfReportIsrael (General) Israel is willing to talk to the Palestinians at any time as well as to the other parties if they are genuinely ready to meet. Israel is very much in favor of bilateral talks over the issue of...
2.11.199162098pdfReportNear and Middle East It is regrettable that the Middle East peace conference will come to an end after only three days, since it will not be possible to discuss all the issues in that brief period of time. To avoid...
5.11.199162019pdfReportPalestine (General) At the peace conference in Madrid, the Palestinians are sitting with Israel as a legitimate delegation for the first time. Nevertheless, they are in the most difficult position of all Arab parties.
26.11.199157983pdfMinutesYugoslav Wars (1991–2001)
Aperçu de la situation en Yougoslavie, de la situation des yougoslaves en Suisse, de la question de la reconnaissance de l'indépendance de la Croatie et de la Slovénie, des sanctions de la CE contre...
6.2.199262731pdfPolitical reportRussia (General) Bush et Eltsine se rencontrent à Camp David dans un environnement familier. Eltsine n'a pas pu repousser une augmentation des prix. Peu ambitieuse, la réunion a été un succès par manque d'aspérités.
25.2.199261210pdfInformation note to the Federal Council [since 1987]UNO – General À l'occasion de l'ouverture de la conférence FIDA, le conseiller fédéral Felber a pu avoir un entretien substantiel avec le secrétaire général de l'ONU Boutros Ghali sur le Moyen-Orient, le Sahara...
24.4.199258969pdfReportUNO – General
Die Arbeitssitzung mit dem UNO-Generalsekretär Boutros-Ghali dreht sich um das Peacekeeping im Allgemeinen und insbesondere in Jugoslawien und der Westsahara, um die Entwicklung des UNO-Sitzes Genf,...