Dossier CH-BAR#K1#1000/1414#5036*

ArchiveSwiss Federal Archives
Archival classification
Old classification CH-BAR K1  vol.3145
Dossier title Agreement, 19 December 1961, on Safeguarding Classified Information-exchange of notes between the Embassy of Switzerland at Washington DC and the Departement of State of the US (1961–2001)
File reference archiveK1.3145

Available documents (1 record(s) found)
19.12.196110143TreatyUnited States of America (USA) (Politics) In-Kraft-Treten: 19.12.1961
Sprachen: angl.
Zuständiges Amt: GST - Generalstab
Andere Ämter: DFAE - DP III/A

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