Dossier UK-NA#FO 608/27/6

ArchivesThe National Archives
Cote d'archives UK-NA FO 608/27/6
Titre du dossier Vorarlberg: Incorporation in Switzerland (1919–1919)

Documents disponibles (8 informations trouvées)
14.5.191955380pdfTélégrammeLa question du Vorarlberg (1919)
The head of the Political Department is still waiting for a final decision on the annexation of the Vorarlberg. According to the author, an annexation would only be a means to prevent Vorarlberg from...
3.5.191955222pdfNoticeLa question du Vorarlberg (1919)
Vorarlbergs economic situation and connections to Switzerland are discussed. The Swiss attitude is not very positive for the preservation of Vorarlberg, and the Swiss public opinion would not allow a...
19.8.191955385pdfNoticeLa question du Vorarlberg (1919)
The Central Committee for Territorial Affairs in Europe should be instructed to examine the question of Liechtenstein and Vorarlberg, and it would be desirable to comply with the applications for...
25.11.191955387pdfLettreLa question du Vorarlberg (1919)
Federal Council Calonder made a long speech to the National Council about the necessity to support the Vorarlberg, at least by delivering economic support.
14.8.191955497pdfLettreLa question du Vorarlberg (1919) H. Rumbold reports that the Vorarlberg movement to join Switzerland gains strength and meetings are being held in about 100 municipalities. While the Vorarlberg government and population claim the...
14.3.191955491pdfLettreLa question du Vorarlberg (1919) There has been considerable discussion in the Swiss press regarding the wish expressed by a portion of inhabitants of the Vorarlberg to be incorporated by Switzerland. The Romand Press deprecates the...
8.8.191955496pdfLettreLa question du Vorarlberg (1919) German Austria is unwilling to let the Vorarlberg secede and the Swiss Government is approached to bring that topic to the Peace Conference.
4.12.191955502pdfTélégrammeLa question du Vorarlberg (1919) According to the british diplomat F. Lindley, the Vorarlberg district is rich in cattle and agriculture, has an important textile industry with plenty of hydropower and is therefore indispensable to...