Dossier RU-AFM#АВП РФ, ф. 757, оп. 35, п. 196, д. 9, л. 151-161.

ArchivArchive of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation
Signatur RU-AFM АВП РФ, ф. 757, оп. 35, п. 196, д. 9, л. 151-161.

Vorhandene Dokumente (1 Datensätze gefunden)
6.8.199053319pdfAktennotiz / NotizInternationale Perzeptionen der deutschen Wiedervereinigung (1989–1990)
The Soviet Draft of an Agreement of the final legal settlement of the German issue to be confirmed and adopted at the Meeting of Heads of States-signatories to the Final Helsinki Act.