Dossier CH-BAR#E2811#1984/106#1*

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Ancienne cote CH-BAR E 2811(-)1984/116  vol.1
Titre du dossier Akten betr. die UNO-Mission in Jerusalem, im Auftrage des UNO-Generalsekretärs U. Thant (1967–1972)
Référence archivesprov.1

Documents disponibles (3 informations trouvées)
11.9.196732623pdfLettreProche et Moyen-Orient The UN General Secretary writes to his Personal Representative in Jerusalem, E. Thalmann, in order to express his gratitude and congratulations for producing a solid and objective report on a very...
12.8.196732620pdfLettreProche et Moyen-Orient The Swiss diplomat, E. Thalmann, is asked to be the Personal Representative of the UN General Secretary, with the task to establish a report on the situation in Jerusalem, specifically on the...
17.8.196732621pdfLettreProche et Moyen-Orient The UN General Secretary informs his Personal Representative in Jerusalem, E. Thalmann, that the Government of Israel promised its full cooperation. E. Thalmann is granted free access in the City of...