Information about organization

USA/Department of Defense
USA/Département de la défense
USA/Dipartimento della difesa
Etats-Unis/Département de la défense
Stati Uniti d'America/Dipartimento della Difesa
USA/Defense Department
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Persons linked to this organisation (73 records found)
...1977...Assistant SecretaryKeech, Everett T.Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
11.4.1977-20.1.1981UndersecretaryPerry, WilliamUnder Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
1979–1983General StaffMeyer, Edward C.
...1979...UndersecretaryResor, Stanley RogersUndersecretary of Defense for Policy
...1979...Assistant SecretaryMcGiffert, David E.Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs and Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Policy
...1979...Deputy Under-Secretary of StateSiena, James V.Deputy Assistant Secretary, European and NATO Affairs
...1979...Deputy Under-Secretary of StateGraves Jr., ErnestDeputy Assistant Secretary and Director of Defense Security Assistance Agency
1981–1987Assistant Secretary of StatePerle, RichardAssistant Secretary of Defense for international security policy
21.1.1981–23.11.1987MinisterWeinberger, Caspar
1986–1989Under-Secretary of StateMaresca, John J. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and Nato policy

Relations to other organizations (1)
USA/Department of Defence/Department of the Navybelongs to USA/Department of Defense

Written documents (4 records found)
2.7.1975-9.7.197550710pdfMemorandum (aide-mémoire)United States of America (USA) (Economy) The goal is to offset to the maximum extent possible the amount to be paid be the Swiss Government for the F-5 aircraft and supporting equipment by placing contracts on a competitive basis with Swiss...
25.8.197650713pdfLetterUnited States of America (USA) (Economy) The discussions in Washington have led to a better understanding by the US of the problems the Switzerland encounters in dealing with the offset MoU. The Department of Defense will continue to look to...
19.1.198857210pdfLetterF/A-18, fighter jet There are challenges and opportunities for the cooperation between the US and Switzerland in the field of the Swiss New Fighter Aircraft Program.
5.2.199056683pdfMemorandum (aide-mémoire)United States of America (USA) (General) The governments of the United States and the Swiss Confederation agree that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed on 1.11.1988 ist extended to 31.12.1997 with certain amendments.

Received documents (3 records found)
23.12.198757211pdfLetterF/A-18, fighter jet The Swiss Government will select a new fighter aircraft. The Swiss Military Department analyzed the different types of aircraft. In case that the American aircraft will stay on the list, the Military...
7.7.199056991pdfLetterImport of munition The Swiss Government selected the F/A-18 Hornet as the new fighter aircraft for the Swiss Armed Forces. However, the political situation having changed quite dramatically during the last 12 months, it...
30.3.199261463pdfDiscourseSecurity policy Europe changed in a way, nobody would have thougt before. The new situation led the Swiss government to review its security policy. Apart of that, the European integration influences Swiss policy,...

Mentioned in the documents (148 records found)
23.12.198757211pdfLetterF/A-18, fighter jet The Swiss Government will select a new fighter aircraft. The Swiss Military Department analyzed the different types of aircraft. In case that the American aircraft will stay on the list, the Military...
19.1.198857210pdfLetterF/A-18, fighter jet There are challenges and opportunities for the cooperation between the US and Switzerland in the field of the Swiss New Fighter Aircraft Program.
15.2.198866668pdfWeekly telexUnited Kingdom (Others) Information hebdomadaire 6/88
- Britische Haltung in Sachen CERN
- Besuch von Bundesrat Delamuraz in Washington und New York 8.–12.2.1988
- Besuch von Staatssekretär Brunner in Bonn,...
18.3.198866066pdfMemoRussia (General) Im Vorfeld seiner Gespräche mit US-Verteidigungsminister Carlucci trifft General Jasow Bundesrat Koller zu einem Höflichkeitsbesuch. Der neue sowjetische Verteidigungsminister ist sichtlich bemüht,...
21.3.198866685pdfWeekly telexSouth Africa (General) Information hebdomadaire 11/88
- Treffen Bundesrat Felber mit Präsident Uruguays Sanguinetti, Genf, 16.3.1988
- Visite Premier Vice-ministre cubain des relations extérieures, José Raul Viera...
22.6.198955164pdfPolitical reportPanama (Politics) Les États-Unis ne respectent pas les règles fixées par les Accords Torrijos-Carter, aussi connu comme les accords qui instituent un contrôle partagé des USA et de Panama sur le Canal. Le Chancelier de...
8.1.199060532pdfMemoUnited States of America (USA) (Economy) Die im August 1988 von den USA beschlossene Ausdehnung der Import-Restriktionen für Wälzlager haben sich auf die schweizerischen Exporte weit weniger negativ ausgewirkt als befürchtet. Einige Kunden...
25.1.199055745pdfTelegramUnited States of America (USA) (Economy) Aufgrund des Verdachts, dass die Cocom-Beschränkungen für den Export von amerikanischer Hochtechnologie durch schweizerische Unternehmungen unterlaufen werden, soll der Status der Schweiz überprüft...
26.1.199055138pdfReportEast-West-Trade (1945–1990) Zusammenfassung der Konsultationen zwischen schweizerischen und US-amerikanischen Delegationen zu den Auswirkungen der Ereignisse in Osteuropa auf das COCOM, die geplanten Neuentwicklungen im...
31.1.199055126pdfFax (Telefax)United States of America (USA) (General) Les toasts portés par le Conseiller fédéral Villiger lors du repas avec Dick Cheney et de celui avec Donald J. Atwood soulignent les similitudes entre la Suisse et les États-Unis d’Amérique, ainsi que...