Informazioni sull'organizzazione

Paesi Bassi/Ambasciata a Berlino
Niederlande/Botschaft in Berlin (2000–)
Netherlands/Embassy in Berlin (2000–)
Pays-Bas/Ambassade à Berlin (2000–)
Paesi Bassi/Ambasciata a Berlino (2000–)
Niederlande/Botschaft in Bonn (1964–2000)
Netherlands/Embassy in Bonn (1964–2000)
Pays-Bas/Ambassade à Bonn (1964–2000)
Paesi Bassi/Ambasciata a Bonn (1964–2000)
Niederlande/Botschaft in Wesseling (1951–1964)
Netherlands/Embassy in Wesseling (1951–1964)
Pays-Bas/Ambassade à Wesseling (1951–1964)
Paesi Bassi/Ambasciata a Wesseling (1951–1964)
Niederlande/Botschaft in Berlin (1871–1945)
Netherlands/Embassy in Berlin (1871–1945)
Pays-Bas/Ambassade à Berlin (1871–1945)
Paesi Bassi/Ambasciata a Berlino (1871–1945)

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Persone legate a questa organizzazione (4 informazioni trovate)
1894–1905AmbasciatoreTets van Goudriaan, Dirk Arnold Willem van
1986–1993AmbasciatoreTas, Jan van der
1989–1990Consigliere economicoGorkom, Berend van
2005–2009AmbasciatoreWulfften Palthe, Peter P. van

Documenti redatti (2 informazioni trovate)
8.11.198952957pdfTelegrammaPercezioni internazionali della riunificazione tedesca (1989–1990)
Observations on the political situation and internal developments in the GDR in the days prior to the opening of the Wall.
4.7.199052961pdfTelegrammaPercezioni internazionali della riunificazione tedesca (1989–1990)
Report on the state of affairs in the GDR, where people appear pleased with the prospect of reunification and see no reason to stretch out the country’s existence. These mental changes have had a...