Information about organization

Inter-American Development Bank
Interamerikanische Entwicklungsbank
Banque interaméricaine de développement
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Interamerikanische Bank
Interamerican Development Bank
"international organization founded in 1959 by 20 governments in North and South America to finance economic and social development in the Western Hemisphere. The largest charter subscribers were Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, and the United States. Subscribers now include nearly 30 countries in North and South America and more than 15 countries in Europe, as well as Japan and Israel. During its first 40 years the bank distributed more than $85 billion in loans, and by the beginning of the 21st century its annual loan disbursement had exceeded $10 billion.
Headquartered in Washington, D.C., each member has representation on the Board of Governors, the bank's chief policy-making organ, which meets at least once each year. Voting is weighted, based on a member's subscription share. The United States exercises about 30 percent of the votes¿nearly triple that of the next largest subscribers, Argentina and Brazil. The voting share of countries outside the Americas is about 15 percent, with nearly one-third of that exercised by Japan. Created to hasten economic development in Latin America, the bank provides funding and technical assistance, coordinates economic development, and jointly finances loans with other institutions. Many of its loans are granted to improve the conditions of the poor in developing countries of the region. The IDB also includes the Inter-American Investment Corporation, which began operations in 1986 and serves as an autonomous affiliate charged with providing long-term loans to help modernize small and medium-sized private businesses; and the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), which was created in 1993 to help develop the private sector in Latin America and the Caribbean".

Source: "Inter-American Development Bank." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 01 Sep. 2008.

- E 7001 ( C ) 1978/58, vol. 16, 1612.11 - Anleihensprojekt der Inter-American-Development Washington / 1966.
- E 2001 ( E ) 1978/84, vol. 206, [dossier Banque mondiale, cf. comparaisons avec la BID en 1966]
Cf. E 7001(C) 1982/115 Box 16, dossier 1612.30 (1968)
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Persons linked to this organisation (26 records found)
...1976...Legal advisorWeiss, Arnold Hans
...1976...Sub-DirectorCostanzo, HenryFinanzdirektor
1982–1984BeraterNell, PhilippeMissions au Venezuela, Colombie, Equateur, Pérou, Bolivie.
1987–1993Head of DepartmentMeyer, MatthiasOperations Division
21.3.1988–3.1989ChairmanHurtado Navarro, Héctor
1989–2005PresidentIglesias García, Enrique Valentín
1989-2009BeraterNascimento, José RenteSpezialist für natürliche Ressourcen
8.1989-8.1994RepresentativeScopelli, AlejandroRepresentative in Colombia
...1990...Executive DirectorCambry, Claude
...1990...Deputy DirectorBruggmann, Hugo

Relations to other organizations (3)
IADB/Administrative Boardbelongs to Inter-American Development Bank
IDB/Fund for Special Operationsbelongs to Inter-American Development Bank
IADB/Board of Governorsbelongs to Inter-American Development Bank

Mentioned in the documents (310 records found)
22.6.196218835pdfMemoRegional development banks Discussions au sujet de la demande de privilèges fiscaux de la part de la Banque Interaméricaine de Développement, qui s'occupe d'aide financière aux pays d'Amérique latine. Avantages et désavantages...
12.11.196230182pdfMinutesTechnical cooperation Die Mitglieder der ständigen Wirtschaftsdelegation zur finanziellen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungshilfe, deren Abgrenzung zu technischer sowie humanitärer Entwicklungshilfe und zu Regeln für den...
23.1.196431989pdfLetterInvestments and IRG Orientierung über den Versand diverser Schreiben bezüglich schweizerischer Investitionen in Lateinamerika.
2.12.196431736pdfCircularRegional development banks Bericht mit Informationen über die Teilnehmer sowie die Wahl des Hauptsitzes der Organisation, die Wahl des Präsidenten und der Verwaltungsratsmitglieder.
11.12.196431795pdfMinutes of the Federal CouncilChile (Economy) Der Bundesrat stimmt der Erhöhung des Rahmenkredits als Beitrag zur Durchführung des chilenischen Entwicklungsplans zu.
19.2.196531479pdfLetterArgentina (Economy) Bericht über die negativen Auswirkungen der argentinischen Wirtschaftspolitik.
7.8.196532035pdfMemoFinancial aid Übersicht über die drei Hauptarten der kommerziellen und finanziellen Entwicklungshilfe: die normale wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, die gläubigerstaatliche Hilfe durch Einfuhrerleicherungen und...
15.11.196531990pdfMemoInvestments and IRG Rapport sur la réunion de l' Association internationale pour la promotion et la protection des investissements privés en territoires étrangers du 12 novembre à Zurich.
27.1.196631586pdfLetterPeru (Economy) Entretien entre l'ambassade de Suisse au Guatémala et un représentant de la Banque mondiale au sujet d'un éventuel engagement d'entreprises privées suisses au Pérou. La Banque interaméricaine de...
7.3.196631355pdfMinutes of the Federal CouncilRegional development banks Da die Leistungen der Exportrisikogarantie je länger je weniger als Entwicklungshilfe anerkannt werden, sollte sich die Schweiz aus politischen und wirtschaftlichen Gründen auf dem Gebiet der...