Informazioni sull'organizzazione

Swiss American Historical Society Review
SAHS Review
Cédric Humair, "Economic complementary and political solidarity: concerning the sources ot the first treaty of 1850 between Switzerland and the United States, in Swiss American Historical Society Review, vol. 42, N° 3, Novembre 2006, p. 3-72.
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Persone legate a questa organizzazione (1 informazioni trovate)
...1972...EditoreSchelbert, LeoMembre de l'Editorial Board, cf. Cédric Humair, "Economic complementary and political solidarity: concerning the sources ot the first treaty of 1850 between Switzerland and the United States, in Swiss American Historical Society Review, vol. 42, N° 3, Novembre 2006, p. 2.

Organizzazioni correlate (1)
Swiss American Historical Societypubblica Swiss American Historical Society Review Cédric Humair, "Economic complementary and political solidarity: concerning the sources ot the first treaty of 1850 between Switzerland and the United States, in Swiss American Historical Society Review, vol. 42, N° 3, Novembre 2006, p. 3-72.

Documenti redatti (1 informazioni trovate)
200618573Referenza bibliograficaStati Uniti d'America (USA) (Economia) Cédric Humair, "Economic complementary and political solidarity: concerning the sources of the first treaty of 1850 between Switzerland and the United States, in Swiss American Historical Society...