Information about organization

Brasilien/Konsulat in Lausanne
Brésil/Consulat à Lausanne
Brasile/Consolato a Losanna
Brasilien/Honorarkonsulat in Lausanne
Brésil/Consulat honoraire à Lausanne
Brasile/Consolato onorario a Losanna
Ab 1947, vgl. Bundesratsprotokoll Nr. 1035 vom 30.4.1947.
Further information:

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Persons linked to this organisation (2 records found)
Honorar-KonsulLugeon, Pierre
1952–29.3.1996Honorar-KonsulLugeon, François

Relations to other organizations (1)
Representation of Brazil in Switzerland1911*- Brasilien/Konsulat in Lausanne