Informationen zur Organisation

Atlantis S.A., Panama
Cf. Marc Perrenoud e. a., La place financière et les banques suisses à l'époque du national-socialisme. Les relations des grandes banques avec l'Allemagne (1931-1946), Zürich 2002, Publication de la CIE-UEK, vol. 13 (cf. ), p. 526,

Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

Archives UBS AG, CHA Basel, fonds SBC, 770'065.001; 117; IV Forinvent Verkauf 1941-1942. Document : "Forinvent / Atlantis", 11.09.1941. Signature de Samuel Schweizer.
cf. Inglin, Oswald: Der stille Krieg (Schwarze Liste)

Atlantis S.A. est une petite compagnie créée par Forinvent.
Dans un document adressé aux autorités britaniques les dirigeants de la Forinvent écrivent à propos d'Atlantis:
« In order to avoid the considerable margin of profits on specialities imported from the United States of America and sold by the South-American companies becoming locked up in the various countries in which these South-American companies are operating, Forinvent formed a small Panama company, Atlantis S.A., with a share-capital of $ 1'000.- and whose Board consists of three Swiss persons resident at Basle. In this way, and apart from certain fiscal advantages, the profits in question are at the free disposal of Forinvent through the intermediary of Atlantis, whilst, if they were allowed to accrue to the selling compagnies, they would be very difficult to realize owing to the clearing arrangements in force in the various South-American countries"
Archives UBS AG, CHA Basel, fonds SBC, 770'065.001; 117; III « Memorandum re : Forinvent. Foreign Investments & Invention Company, Fribourg, January 27th 1941 », p. 2. Voir aussi : Archives UBS AG, CHA Basel, fonds SBC, 770'059.001; 111; Correpondance with British authorities. Document : « Interview with Mr. Setchell, Commercial Secretary to the British Legation, Berne, 17th January, 1941, 3 p. m. », p. 7. Signé Samuel Schweizer.
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194430101Bibliographischer HinweisFinanzplatz Schweiz Une nouvelle édition en 1946