Informazioni sull'organizzazione

Palladium AG
Cf, Schweizer. Ragionenbuch, 1942, p. 96.: "Rütigasse, bei P. Oberer. Beteiligungen an andern Unternehmungen jeder Art und Verwaltung dieser Beteiligungen."

Cf. Christiane Uhlig, Petra Barthelmess, Mario König, Peter Pfaffenroth, Bettina Zeugin:Tarnung, Transfer, Transit. Die Schweiz als Drehscheibe verdeckter deutscher Operationen (1938-1952), ZH, 2001 (CIE-9), p. 75, 227.
Cf. Marc Perrenoud e. a., La place financière et les banques suisses à l'époque du national-socialisme. Les relations des grandes banques avec l'Allemagne (1931-1946), Zürich 2002, Publication de la CIE-UEK, vol. 13 (cf. ), p. 405, 510, 511, 514, 527.

Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

Appartient à 100% à une société de la SBS, Ariana SA, Luxembourg.
E 2001 (E) 1968/78, vol. 264, B.51.322.GB.44. Forinvent

Palladium AG, Frenkendorf société appartenant à 100% à la SBS.
Archives Price Waterhouse & Coopers Lybrand, Zurich, Lettre du 28.12.1939, probablement adressée par Price waterhouse & Co.,Suisse, à Price, Waterhouse & Co., Canada:
"The position appears to be that Forinvent is wholly-owned by Palladium AG, Frenkendorf, which in turn is 100% owned by Ariana SA, a Luxembourg holding company which is stated to have a capital of Lux. FCs 1000'0000 and we were informed that this latter concern is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Swiss Bank Corporation itself".
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Persone legate a questa organizzazione (3 informazioni trovate)
ResponsabileOberer, PaulCf. Schweizer. Ragionenbuch, 1942, p.96. "Paul Oberer, von Pratteln, in Frenkendorf."
Presidente del consiglio d'amministrazioneBurkart, FritzCf. Schweizer. Ragionenbuch, 1942, p.96.
Membro del Consiglio d'AmministrazioneBraun, FritzCf. Schweizer. Ragionenbuch, 1942, p.96.

Menzionata nei documenti (1 informazioni trovate)
1943-194425272Info Commissione Indipendente d'Esperti Svizzera-Seconda Guerra Mondiale (CIE)30 - CIE: Banche Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):
