Information about Person

Leuenberger, Hans-Peter
Gender: male
Reference country: Switzerland
Nationality: Switzerland
Canton of origin: Bern (Canton)
Activity: Officer
Military grade: captain

Functions (2 records founds)
12.9.1953–29.7.1954MemberNNSC/Swiss Mission
...1954...HauptmannSwiss Army

Mentioned in the documents (2 records found)
4.5.195466918pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The Swiss and Swedish NNSC delegations describe the accusations made by the Polish and Czechoslovak delegations against UNMAC concerning violations of the armistice agreement in Korea as a distortion...
14.5.195466927pdfMinutesNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The main subject of the NNSC meeting is the mutual accusation of illicit movement of war material. The Polish delegate refuses to sign the document prepared by the Swiss and Swedish Generals.