Informations sur la personne

Agani, Fehmi
Genre: masculin
Pays de référence: Kosovo
Activité: Politicien • Scientifique • Professeur

Fonctions (2 informations trouvées)
...1967–1981ProfesseurKosovo/Université de Pristina
...1992–1994...Vice-PrésidentKosovo/Ligue démocratique du Kosovo

Mentionnée dans les documents (2 informations trouvées)
5.6.199263516pdfRapportKosovo (Politique) The fact-finding mission visited Kosovo from 28 May to 2 June 1992 and met with representatives of the yugoslav and serbian government as well as with representatives of political parties, ethnic...
6.8.199366309pdfRapportKosovo (Général) The CSCE Missions to Kosovo, Sandžak and Vojvodina have consistently advocated a policy of restraint and have taken every opportunity to try to defuse tensions of an ethnic nature in the areas. It is...