Informations sur la personne

Headlam-Morley, James
Autres noms: Headlam-Morley, Sir James Wycliffe
Genre: masculin
Pays de référence: Royaume-Uni
Activité: Scientifique • Diplomate

Fonctions (3 informations trouvées)
1918–1920Directeur adjointUK/Ministère des affaires étrangèresAssistant Director of the Political Intelligence Department of the Foreign Office
1919ParticipantConférence de la Paix de ParisMember of the Political Section of the British Delegation to the Peace Conference at Paris
1920...ConseillerUK/Ministère des affaires étrangèresHistorical Adviser to the Foreign Office

Documents rédigés (1 informations trouvées)
21.7.191955495pdfNoticeLa question du Vorarlberg (1919) Liechtenstein wants to enter the League of Nations. In case of a Swiss incorporation of the Vorarlberg, the principality would be an enclave surrounded by Swiss territory.

Documents signés (1 informations trouvées)
21.7.191955495pdfNoticeLa question du Vorarlberg (1919) Liechtenstein wants to enter the League of Nations. In case of a Swiss incorporation of the Vorarlberg, the principality would be an enclave surrounded by Swiss territory.

Documents reçus (1 informations trouvées)
23.4.191955492pdfLettreLa question du Vorarlberg (1919) The Vorarlberg question and it's realisation can be put into perspective: The French-speaking cantons do not want Switzerland to be made overwhelmingly German, the Protestants are not eager to...