Information about Person

Jarring, Gunnar
Additional names: Jarring, Gunnar ValfridJaring, Gunnar
Gender: male

Functions (5 records founds)
1948...MinisterSweden/Embassy in New Delhi
1958-1964AmbassadorSchweden/Botschaft in Washington
1964-1973AmbassadorSweden/Embassy in Moscow
23.11.1967–21.3.1991Special envoyUNO/SecretariatSpecial Representative of the Secretary-General to the Middle East

Mentioned in the documents (48 records found)
22.11.197648550pdfReportEgypt (Politics) Unter bestimmten Bedingungen ist die Regierung Ägyptens zur Unterzeichnung eines Friedensvertrags mit Israel bereit. Israel wird indes die nötigen Konzessionen nur unter US-amerikanischem Druck...
11.2.199168000pdfLetterNear and Middle East Le secrétaire général de l'ONU demande à l'Ambassadeur de Suisse à Washington, Edouard Brunner, s'il est disponible pour être représentant spécial pour le Proche-Orient. Il ne cache pas que son choix...
21.3.199154786pdfDiscourseUNO (principal organs) Based on UN Resolution 242, the Secretary-General appoints Edouard Brunner as the new Special Representative to the Middle East.

Darin: Pressemitteilung des UN-Generalsekretärs vom...
13.7.199161939pdfReportIsrael (General) It is Israel’s policy that peace should be reached with its neighbors by means of face-to-face negotiations with representatives of every country without preconditions. Negotiations under the auspices...
17.7.199161937pdfReportSyrien (General) Syria is very enthusiastic for the United Nations to play a role in any peace process in the Middle East. Given the strong Israeli objections, it decided to give the US initiative a chance to succeed...
19.7.199161940pdfReportJordan (General) With regard to a peace conference, Jordan would prefer negotiations under UN auspices to separate bilateral talks between Israel and Arab countries. However, the Palestinian problem is a question of...
23.7.199161934pdfReportLebanon (General) Lebanon is willing to participate in a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, but cannot engage in such negotiations with Israel alone. The increasing stabilisation of the government undermines the...
2.8.199161944pdfReportIsrael (General) Israel is willing to talk to the Palestinians at any time as well as to the other parties if they are genuinely ready to meet. Israel is very much in favor of bilateral talks over the issue of...