Sprache: Deutsch
Dussel, Konrad, "Kulturkonzepte im Konflikt. Britische, deutsche und schweizerische Hörfunkprogramme während des Zweiten Weltkriegs, (A), Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 49 (2001), 441-463.
Bibliographischer Hinweis (Bib)
" Konrad Dussel, Conflicting Cultural Concepts. British, German and Swiss Radio Programs Aired during the Second World War.

While radio programs aired by the German speaking Swiss broadcasting service during the Second World War hardly differed from those before the war, those in Germany and Great Britain present a different picture. Because of wartime conditions, certain forms of entertainment, which before had been more or less rejected by those responsible for programs, began to be heard in both countries. These parallel developments show that it was not a need for propaganda, but a longterm international trend that was at work. It is a process which one could call the Americanization of european media which traditionally had been committed to education and culture."
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Verfasserin / Verfasser
Dussel, Conrad
